Love reading BroBible on your iPhone or iPad or other newfangled iDevice that my old ass is unaware of? Well, the viewing experience just got a whole lot easier and better for all iOS users, because today we launched the long awaited answer to all your life’s problems…The BroBible iOS app.
The BroBible app updates in real-time and has all the latest and greatest BroBible content without the hassle of typing our URL into your phone’s web browser, using social media, or punching “Best Free Porn Sites” into Google. Yeah, we know a lot of you are doing that every month. And we appreciate it. Your wife and/or girlfriend might not, but we do.
Anyway, below are a few screen grabs of the app experience, but you should honestly just download it and give that fucker a test drive. Because this is not one of the times in life that you take the butcher’s word for it. This is one of those times when you can only get a good look at a T-bone by sticking your head up the bull’s ass. So go do the app-testing equivalent of that, by downloading our FREE iOS app here.
Sexual. Down to the very last drop.
Happy reading, Bros.