You know those times when you stumble across someone saying something offensive so you go nuclear that person to your 550,000 Twitter followers and call for that person to be gang raped, only to later find out that your source was a satirical news site and the person never said shit? If you answered no, keep reading. If you answered yes, I’m surprised you were able to click on this post while wearing a straight jacket you fucking psychopath.
Anyhoo, rapper Azealia Banks just exploded on Sarah Palin after a satirical news site falsely quoted Palin as saying: ‘I’m telling you, I’ve been saying it for years, but nobody’s listening – slavery wasn’t forced onto African-Americans, they accepted it willingly.’
Instead of taking 3 seconds to consider the source and think about the widespread cultural takeover those comments would have if Palin actually said them, Banks thought the move was to spout out the most violent Twitter rant you may ever hear. Azalea since deleted the tweets, but not before Media Research Center was able to screenshot them.
WARNING: Not safe for life. Or the afterlife. They’re probably not even safe for dead people.
Palin has a well-documented history of saying unintelligible things but certainly nothing as ignorant and malicious as writing off slavery as a choice, quickly took to Facebook to give Azealia a talking to.
If there’s one thing that’s hilarious about this scenario is that in Palin’s response, she wrote ‘condoning racism’ was one of the things that the women could work on before changing it to ‘condemning racism.’ That’s so Palin. Can’t get out of her own way.
Oh look! Azealia just posted an open letter apologizing to Palin. It’s worth reading because it’s the biggest ‘sorry I’m not sorry’ letter one can possible write. And she ends the letter with a mic drop.
Something tells me this is far from over.
[h/t Daily Mail]