Donald Trump’s main campaign message has been that we don’t win anymore. We don’t win when it comes to China.
But, like, how? Last I checked, Michael Phelps whupped all their asses in the Olympics in Beijing (in Beijing!) and since then, I don’t know, they haven’t done dick. No NBA Championships. No Quesalupas invented. None of that shit.
So, yea. America. Always whupping China.
Until this year. China just beat us in the most American way possible, and every single fucking Bro out there needs to step it the fuck up and get back our fucking title.
The Chinese now drink more beer than us. Beer. Beer. The most quintessential American invention ever (European, but whatever) is now the domain of the Chinese.
The Chinese drink more of it.
From Fox Business:
The Chinese are officially guzzling down more beer than Americans—making them the world’s largest beer market.
In 2015, they drank almost two times (about 25 billion liters) the amount of beer than Americans, who downed about 18 billion liters, according to a report by Euromonitor International, a market research firm.
Bullshit. And yea, there are certainly 1.3 billion people in China to our paltry 320 million, but we have Bros, god dammit. We have Bros.
So let’s get out there, Bros, and do what we do best and get back our title, goddammit. If each of us is willing to do a hundred thousand liters extra in 2016, we should crush them no problem.
[H/T Munchies]