It ain’t difficult to learn how to smoke pot. You just do it. I was handed a nick bag of schwag and a rolling paper and that was all the instruction I needed. I definitely didn’t break the weed up enough the first time and the joint burned terribly, but you live and learn. It’s not like my pot smoking suffered. On the contrary. I did it more to get better.
Weed was just legalized in our nation’s capital, though, and if there is a city that is more filled with squares, I haven’t visited it.
Loser city, is what I’m saying. So you know the dorks and dweebs will be afraid of the pot.
“I wanna try it, but I’m just sooo scared.”
At least, that’s what one Bro is banking on, starting a class where, for $100, he’ll teach you how to smoke weed. From Borderstan:
In a nutshell, the D.C. School of Mary Jane exists to teach you how to consume marijuana recreationally and safely. The company’s founder, Ryan (who asked us not to his last name for employment reasons) said his goal is to weed out falsities based on “decades upon decades of misinformation and stigma tied to marijuana.”
For about a hundred dollars, Ryan or another instructor will come to your D.C. residence with a pipe and a presentation. You are allowed to bring three friends. He will tell you how to consume weed, be it smoking, eating or vaping. He will share recommendations for acquiring it. He will also share the risks and benefits associated with marijuana use.
Something tells me you Bros won’t ever need this.
[Via Borderstan]
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