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Our great nation is more politically divided than it has been in decades. We’re about to get hit with a second major hurricane in as many weeks, causing catastrophic damage throughout the South. There are fires raging in the Pacific Northwest destroying lives. To borrow a phrase my H.S. baseball coach once told me ‘this shit is fucked’.
Fox has a solution to all of our woes, and that solution is a King of the Hill revival. The show ran from 1997 to 2009 and left an enormous cultural impact on television (and millennials in general). Danielle Turchiano of Variety is reporting that Fox is holding preliminary talks about bringing King of the Hill back to TV and they’re pretty much stating it’s because Conservatives hate Liberals and Liberals can’t fucking stand Conservatives, only they put it in much more eloquent terms than that:
Given what’s going on in the country, I think they had a point of view about how those characters would respond.” “It was really just a first, exploratory, ‘Are you excited about this?’ They were both excited about it but they’re both very busy individually so it’s about finding time,” Walden says. (via)
This sounds like a project that is in the earliest possible stages, but a project that also has enough legs to the point that Fox is willing to leak the news to Variety which means they’re probably 6-steps ahead behind the scenes on getting this show back on the air. Does the country need King of the Hill to bring us back together? No. Will TV be better off with King of the Hill back on the air? Yes, it will, and that’s all that I give a shit about, making TV great again.