So I was looking for some kind of story to add to this photo shoot that Bella Thorne did recently and I came across an article with the headline “Bella Thorne Slammed For ‘Acting Slutty’ on Snapchat.”
This got me to thinking. (1) If someone thinks that Bella Thorne (or really anyone for that matter) acts “slutty” (whatever that means) on Snapcat and they don’t like it, why in the blue hell do they follow her? Hello, McFly? (2) What she does on her Snapchat is her business because, umm, it’s HER Snapchat. And (3) who elected these people the Snapchat police?
Personally, as you may have gleaned, (a) I don’t give a rat’s ass what she does on Snapchat, Instagram, whatever, because it’s HER Snapchat, not mine, and (b) you won’t find me complaining about it.
If Bella Thorne wants to rave, twerk, whatever on social media then I say more power to her.
If she wants to act all provocative in music videos like this one recently released by her and Prince Fox, go for it.
And if she wants to do photo shoots like the one we’re checking out today then I say, “great!”
In fact, here are even more pics that Thorne has posted since we last checked in on her that I think most of you will also probably enjoy.
Am I wrong?