Remember when ‘Hitting The Dab’ was actually a thing? You know, some time around late 2015. Apparently the folks who created the new Mario + Rabbids game think that it still is. And people are irrationally angry about it.
We all remember when Cam Newton introduced The Dab to the world of sports in a game against the Tennessee Titans on November 15, 2015. And we all also remember when Hillary Clinton officially put a stake into the heart of The Dab when she did it on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in January of 2016.
But now, just when we thought the world was back in a Dab-free state, the folks at Ubisoft decided to go and have Luigi hit the dab in a new game trailer for Mario + Rabbids.
Naturally, because this is 2017 and we all have nothing better to do, the internet got all riled up about it.
Here it is in GIF form…
And here are some of the reasonable and very entertaining reactions…
Then again, perhaps this is the real reason for Luigi bringing back 2015…
H/T Distractify