Lowkey, I love this. This dude is a little bit of a dweeb, but so are a lot of Bros that work back office as desk jockeys in finance. I love how loosely he throws around the term “moral hazard,” as if it’s the only business term he remembers from his freshman year Econ 101 class.
Regardless, nice try at getting digits with the bizbabble and Ben Bernanke namedrop. I’m just disappointed he didn’t whip out a spreadsheet and talk about the ROI of making out. You know, let them demonstrate their true KPIs at love. That’d truly show his dedication to the game.
He’d be laughed off the street if he tried this in New York. Dude really needs to take some lessons from Bert the Broker. He’s the real ace at making East Hampton panties moist with his business speak: