A man (and screenwriter) by the name of Trevor Schindeler is tired of having his Wayne’s World 3 screenplay ignored by Hollywood. Schindeler hasn’t been ignored for only a year or two, he’s been ignored for 23 years. As he explains on his GofundMe page, there is a damn fine reason for that.
“For twenty-three years, I have tried to get someone, anyone, inside Fortress Hollywood to read my screenplay. To date, no one has. Everyone has refused to read it including producers, directors, actors, and even entertainment agents. Why? There is a strict policy in Hollywood against reading “unsolicited” work. Of course, no one has been so kind as to “solicit” my screenplay. Hollywood has circled the wagons to keep people like you and me out. Playing by Hollywood’s rules is not working. That is why I am mounting this social media campaign to storm the barricades of Fortress Hollywood.”
To go forward with this, after years and years and years and years and years of being completely ignored, you either have to have your head so far up your own ass, or you have to have YOUR HEAD SO FAR UP YOUR OWN ASS. I know those are the same explanations for this, but sometimes things are exactly as they seem. I mean, this guy really thinks he’s going to get his script for Wayne’s World 3 funded and then have the movie made?
Let’s forget all the legalities and other red tape facing this guy. The real question is: Is his screenplay even worth a 23 year battle?
I don’t know that answer. What I do know is that the title is Wayne’s Leisure World and the movie takes place in 2047. According to Schindeler’s trailer, the future has gone to shit, people are listening to terrible music, robots exist and Wayne and Garth come out of retirement to save the world. Riveting stuff, I know. If you have the time to read 121 pages, by all means, DO IT.
For those of you who do want to support this project, head over to the GoFundMe page. There you will see all of the “we don’t read any unsolicited material” letters that Schindeler has received over the years. You’ll also see this guy’s scathing and 100% correct, comment.
You know what? Schindeler’s probably going to get this movie made some day.