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Conor McGregor Just Did A Ridiculously Bad Toothpaste Ad And Got Absolutely ROASTED By Twitter


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Conor McGregor, the man who somehow talked his way into a zillion dollar fight with Floyd Mayweather, might be the worst product pitchman…ever. I’m not even exaggerating.

How a man who has never been short for words at any moment in his professional career as a mixed martial artist could be so bad at selling something as simple as toothpaste is beyond me.

Yet here we are.

On Monday, McGregor posted a video of himself hawking some toothpaste. I can’t even remember what brand it was and I watched the video at least three times. Not because it was good, but because I was so incredulous at just how bad it was.

Remember when Rocky Balboa (who, coincidentally, we just discussed today) had to do commercials when he was broke?

Yeah, well, McGregor’s effort wasn’t a whole lot better. Get ready to watch and cringe…

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What the hell did I just watch?

Naturally, since this appeared on social media, both Instagram and Twitter, people had thoughts. Hilarious thoughts. (A couple of which you already saw above. I’ll also save you all the “you sold out” tweets. There were many.)

All that being said…


Between Mayweather eating Burger King and hanging out at his strip the week of the fight and now this, could this sporting event possibly get any weirder?

Odell Beckham Jr. Might Take Out A $100 Million Insurance Policy On Himself

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Odell Beckham Jr. is one of the most talented players in the NFL today, and he is also the most underpaid. The receiver is entering the fourth year of his rookie contract and will “only” make $1.84 million (not including bonuses) this season, so it’s understandable that he is following in the footsteps of FDR and trying to get a new deal.

Beckham has been pushing for the Giants to give him a new contract during the offseason, but the two sides have been unable to come to an agreement. It would appear that Beckham— who neglected to hold out— seems optimistic that a deal will be struck by the time the season starts. However, if the status quo remains the same,  Yahoo Sports reports that he’s prepared to take steps to protect himself in the form of a $100 million insurance policy.

The policy would reportedly cost Beckham $600,000 to take out and would pay out if he suffered an injury over the course of next season. Beckham recently signed an endorsement deal with Nike worth around $10 million, but it’s clear he thinks he’s worth much, much more when it comes to his performance on the field.

The news comes the day after the receiver was forced to leave a preseason game against the Browns early with a sprained ankle. He isn’t expected to miss any games because of the injury, but it’s clear he’s not taking any chances in the future.



Diaries Of The Rich And Famous: The 50 Most Lavish, Ludicrous And LOL Celebrity Instagrams Today


Golfing in Yankee Stadium? Sure, if you’re rich and famous.
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Every day dozens and dozens of celebrities share pictures, videos, jokes, gear and other goodies to their Instagram accounts. There is literally so much going on with so many people that there’s almost no way the average bro can keep tabs on it all. So, because we care, we do it for you so you can waste your time at work, at home or wherever you may be in a much more efficient manner. After all, if you’re going to be wasting time, you want to do it right.

Here are the best celebrity Instagram posts we saw on the internet today…

This might be the worst sales pitch I’ve ever seen.
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Who else just hangs out on the wings of jets? Anyone?
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Brett Favre dancing, ladies and gentlemen.
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Miles Teller got engaged, is a lucky man.
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Ugh, just go away already.
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Celebrities even go camping better than me.
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They also bathe better than me.
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And view the eclipse from better places.
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The Mavs are getting a new locker room.
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Sweet kicks, Olly.
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Sweet ride, AB.
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You too, Shockey.
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No, Brittany, it’s just you.
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This picture amuses me.
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So does this one.
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Russell Wilson works out.
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Stephanie Pratt has a better view than me.
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Chris Pratt appears to be doing okay.
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UFC fighter Paige VanZant apparently knows Demi Lovato.
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So is Drago’s son really going to fight in Creed 2? It’s looking that way.
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The King still on that grind.
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The rough life of a supermodel.
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Being the kid of a celebrity is also very hard.
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So hard.
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Celebrities…always on vacation.
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No idea.
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Same goes for this.
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Wozniacki and D-Lee still together.
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The official dance of the rich and famous.
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When you’re Paris Hilton you wish your own debut album happy anniversary.
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When you’re JJ Watt people get your face tattooed on their arm.
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When you’re Usher you hot golf balls in your pajamas.
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When you’re Cristiano Ronaldo even sitting in a chair looks cool.
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Olivia Munn has a very good dog.
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Laura Vandervoort also has some very good dogs.
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She gets paid to do this.
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Krysten Ritter, AKA Jessica Jones, five years ago.
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Snoop Dogg and his cousin, the now 4-time WWE Champ.
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WWE’s Lana wins celebrity boomerang of the day.
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The Demon King in full effect.
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Speaking of outfits, Britney got a new one for her Vegas show.
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Yondu’s skin matches his ride.
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Kenny G: Still fucks.
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Great. Now I’m hungry.
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Today’s celebrity words of wisdom…
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You Will Get A Season 3 Of ‘Stranger Things,’ Maybe A 4th, But That’s Probably It


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As we eagerly await for the premiere of Season 2 of “Stranger Things” on October 27, 2017, we get exciting news about the future of our favorite 80s nostalgia TV show. Matt and Ross Duffer, the creators of “Stranger Things,” confirmed that there will definitely be a Season 3, but don’t expect much more than a fourth season. In an interview with Vulture, the Duffer Brothers said there would be a Season 3, but probably no more than Season 4. “We’re thinking it will be a four-season thing and then out,” Ross Duffer said. His brother Matt added, “I don’t know if we can justify something bad happening to them once a year.” Ross then said, “They’re going to have to get the fuck out of this town! It’s ridiculous!”

As far as Season 2 goes, they want to go big. Ross Duffer said, “I told Matt, ‘I don’t want to call it season two, I just want it to feel like a movie sequel.’ If you have a successful movie, No. 2 is always a little bit bigger.” You’d guess that there will be an even bigger and scarier Demogorgon. Maybe a zombie Barb?


Cops And Criminals Share Stories Of The Most WTF Reason For Getting Arrested


I can’t even begin to wrap my mind around the amount of insanity your average police officer sees in the field. When you take into the consideration the outliers, the truly bizarre cases, we see some stories of the unexplainable batshit crazy. Over on AskReddit, cops and family members of cops share stories of the most WTF/weirdest things they’ve ever had to arrest people for and I must say that some of these are truly out there in left field. If you have a story of your own you’d like to add just drop it in the comments below, but before you do that let’s get to checking out the insanity:

Someone turned themselves in for stealing a balloon. On free balloon day.

……had to arrest someone for public masturbation at a truck stop back in the 90’s. The man was doing it while looking at a Hot Cops magazine.

My buddy is the sergeant of police in my town. He said he had to arrest a guy for eating the concrete under a bridge in my town, back in the days of bath salts.
Another time was he had to rest a guy in a hotel parking lot. The man was in the bushes, naked, and covered in blood, only wearing a condom. Pretty bizarre stuff.

My boyfriend went to a house party in Idaho with his ex, everyone was wasted.
He and some other dudes got into an argument, someone called the cops.
Boyfriend figures that if he stays there, punches will start flying, so he literally asks the cops to just arrest him so shit doesn’t blow up.
They took him to jail for the night, with a bail of $10.

I have arrested a man not once, but twice for having sex with a dead white tail deer corpse. He likes fresh road kill for some reason.

I’ve seen a few…
Stealing a Turkey Sandwich. The guy was sentenced to 6months in jail.
I am not a cop but this guy came into our unit while I was locked up, and looked like a normal 35yr old dude, didn’t look to strung out. Apparently he was an addict and went to the grocery store and took one of the pre-made sandwiches and walked out the front door. He had been in court about 14 times in the past 6 months for petty theft and the judge went crazy on him and asked him if he thought he was above the law or if he thought wasting the judges time was a joke. He got the maximum sentence… 6 months in jail with 6 months probation.
I was then roommates with this little Philippino Asian kid. He had to of been 5′ 1″ tall and about 120lbs soaking wet. He grew up in Los Angeles before foster care sent him out to the Northeast. He was a tough kid and could fight with karate moves and all this random shit and was involved in LA Gang life. After living with him for 4 months he told me the story of how he was arrested:
He lived in a college town and met this white girl and they hung out a few times. One time they were hanging out at her apartment drinking alcohol and he realized that she was prescribed Xanax so he did what any rational human being would do and took FIFTEEN of them when he was at her place. He soon blacked out and the rest of the story he had to pull out the police report to tell me. She had fell asleep and he walked 4 houses down to the apartment of a kid he hates. He walked in and didn’t say a word and started beating him up using karate moves. His roommates couldn’t get the little 120lb frame out of the house and they called the police. When the police came he bolted out the back door to the neighbors house where they had a boat on the dock. He started the boat and took off into the water. The body of water wasn’t connected to an ocean or anything so after a few hours they arrested him at 3:22am using two different neighbors boats chasing this kid that was blacked out going through the lake.

As I was walking down the sidewalk, I saw an older (60-something) bicycle rider stop, get of of his bike and pick up a beer bottle that was in the gutter. He put the bottle in his back pocket and get back on his bike and continued to ride at me. Just as he passed me a cop car passed him, pulled over and the officer stepped out, and ordered the guy to stop. The policeman in formed the bicycle guy that it was against the law to operate any vehicle on a public thoroughfare with an open liquor container and he was being arrest for a violation of that law. I tried to come to the guys defense, but the cop threatened to arrest me if I tried to interfere any further and told me to” “Tell it to the Judge tomorrow.” The guy was allowed to lock his bike to a sign post and was hauled away.
So the next day, I showed up at traffic court. The guy was second up. The judge read the charges and asked the guy how he plead. The guy said, “Not Guilty.” Asked to explain the situation, the Cop said, “I observed the defendant riding his bicycle on Second Avenue South with a beer bottle in his back pocket which is a violation of the open container law.” I stood up and asked the judge if I could speak as a person who was witness to the event, and had spoken to the officer during the arrest. The Judge asked the policeman if I had indeed spoken to him. The said I had. so the Judge allowed me to speak. I told the Judge that I had witnessed the man pick up the bottle, put it in his back pocket, get back on his bike and was quickly stopped by the officer. And then I asked if the bottle was empty, did the bike guy smell of alcohol, had a blood test or breathalyzer test been administered to the man. The cop answered no to all of my questions.
The Judge apologized to the man, dropped all charges and admonished the cop.

not a cop, but me. I got arrested for putting up a poster for a lost cat. It’s not something you can arrest someone for, but they put in handcuffs and brought me to the police station. The top cop asked the cops who arrested me why, and when he found out, he told them to take off my handcuffs, which they didn’t want to do, and pretended they had lost the key. The other cops took their keys and took off my handcuffs, then they let me go. These were before the days of all of these police-public committees.

My old man had to arrest a guy for pissing on someone

A friend of a friend has a mental disorder that leads him to do strange things sometimes. He was once arrested for being in a bathroom on the campus of a major university “flushing for Jesus”.

When I was a corrections officer, I booked a kid in for “chicken at large.”

Not a cop, but used to handle clearances so I had to read all the MP blotters. The most awkward reason I had to tell a colonel that a SFC needed to have his clearance pulled was because he was driving around off base hollering at women and wanking it. This was in a foreign country and he yelled out to at least 5 women. He was apprehended at the gate and they found semen on a rag, his visor, and his windshield. I also found out that this was not the first time he was arrested for this kind of thing. We dubbed him the Mad Wanker

My sister’s dad [not mine] had to arrest a woman in her late 40s on a bus for rubbing her cleavage on a five year old girl’s face.
When the cops came to arrest her, she started screaming that it was a “voodoo ritual” and that if she didn’t do it, the “demons of hell” would grab her and pull her under. They did a drug test and she came up positive for both meth and heroin.

A friend of mine got arrested for failure to appear after getting caught fishing without a license. The cops had a good chuckle with us.

Not the cop, but I was the person arrested. It was the final day of my senior year in high school. There were rumors of a food fight, so once lunch came around, our principle got up in front of everyone and shut it down. Behind him, a couple of the special ed. kids started to throw their food and everyone joined in. Teachers were hit, kids were hurt. I had already eaten my lunch but my friend had an apple, so I grabbed it and threw it as far as I could against the opposite wall. Come to find out, they caught me on camera and the new chief of police wanted to set a precedent so despite never getting so much as a detention from K-12, I was arrested for Disorderly Conduct the final day of my senior year.
TL;DR – Threw a single apple in a food fight, was charged with disorderly conduct and between court fees and my lawyer, it cost me $800 and 24 hours of community service .

When I was still in high school, I bought an IBC root beer (the one’s in the glass bottle) and was pulled over by a cop while I was on my way to school. He asked if it was beer and I told him what it was. I handed it over to him so he could inspect the bottle. He looked at it, took a drink, and then walked away with it.
A cop stole my root beer.

Well, bros, that wraps up the coverage from my end but if you want to keep on reading these AskReddit stories you can CLICK HERE to see that thread in full! You can also drop your story in the comments down below.

‘Game Of Thrones’ Director Hints That A Major Stark Character Is Going To Die


Game of Thrones Bran Jon Arya Sansa


Spoilers ahead. But you knew that already. There aren’t many Starks left in Westeros, they are turning into an endangered species these days. We’re left with Arya, Bran, and Sansa, and some may consider Jon Snow a Stark based on R+L=J theory. Well bad news, apparently at least one more Stark is set to perish in the near future. This tragic news comes to us via “Game of Thrones” director Alan Taylor, who revealed that death is coming for one more Stark. As if the Starks hadn’t lost enough in the past few seasons.

In the last episode titled “Beyond the Wall,” Arya Stark and Sansa Stark have a sibling quarrel at Winterfell over who has suffered more since their father Eddard Stark was beheaded. The power struggle between the Stark sisters got real heated during the debate and you have to wonder if either one would hurt the other to advance their own rise to authority? Taylor who directed “Beyond the Wall,” provided this hint that one of the Stark sisters may very well die in an interview with Variety.

“I think both characters have been through absolute hell since the death of their father in very different ways, and have turned into absolute lethal individuals. We’re very aware of how lethal Arya is, because she’s displayed it over and over again. But I love the fact that the tables do turn back and forth between them; it really is a shifting back and forth of power between them in those scenes we had. And when Sophie says she won the ‘Battle of the Bastards,’ she’s right. I love the fact that these two come back, they’re both lethal, and I just wanted to give the impression, as much as possible, that one of them is going to die. But you’re not sure which one.”

Not surprising that “Game of Thrones” would have one sister kill off her own flesh and blood. So could we see this brutal death in the season 7 finale of “Game of Thrones?” Taylor said, “Arya is certainly lethal and sort of threatening, but when Sansa sends Brienne away, who is Arya’s natural protector, something is coming very soon between them, and it will be violent but surprising.” Sansa sent Brienne of Tarth, who is sworn to protect all of the Stark children and bonded with Arya, to King’s Landing to meet with Cersei Lannister. Littlefinger is definitely wary of Arya and could be attempting to manipulate Sansa into hating her sister or warning her that she will betray her. Shit is going to be crazy next Sunday.


The Cavs Are Reportedly In Serious Talks To Trade Kyrie Irving For Celtics Superstar Isaiah Thomas


The two main Eastern conference power houses are in serious talks to swap superstars. ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski is reporting both the Cavs and the Celtics are interested in a trade that would send disgruntled guard Kyrie Irving for Celtics superstar Isaiah Thomas.

Not sure how Isaiah Thomas would fit in with the Cavs but this trade would be amazing.

Study Finds This Quality More Important For Finding Love Over Sense Of Humor Or Good Looks


When it comes to finding true love, the most important characteristic isn’t good looks, a sense of humor, or being fashionable. This may shock you, but apparently, women find guys who have a good credit to be sexy AF. That’s right, women are attracted to men who are in stable financial situations and see them to be sexier than 36-year-olds who are part-time Uber drivers and living in their mom’s basement. Flabberghasting, I know.

According to Bloomberg, a study of 2,000 online daters found that good credit scores are sexy. The recent study from Discover Financial Services and Match Media Group, parent of Tinder and other dating sites, found that “financial responsibility” was ranked as a very or extremely important quality in a potential mate by 69% of the respondents. That was higher than a sense of humor (67%), attractiveness (51%), ambition (50%), courage (42%), and modesty (39%). Those surveyed said a good credit score was associated with being responsible, trustworthy, and smart. Of the respondents, 58% of those surveyed said a good credit score was more appealing than a nice car. Put your 820 credit rating as your Tinder profile right now. But it just wasn’t women who found financial stability to be a turn-on, men also found a gal with a great credit score to be a fantastic catch. When it came to financial responsibility, 77% of females and 61% of men found this quality to be sexy.

“If you’ve got a pretty good credit score, you probably have other good personality traits,” said biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, Match.com’s chief scientific adviser and a senior research fellow at the Kinsey Institute. “You’re not only managing your money, you’re managing your family, your friends. You’re kind of a managing person. It says a lot more about you than a fancy car.” She even called it “an honest indicator of who you really are.”

Another study from 2015 analyzed consumer credit data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Consumer Credit Panel and Equifax over a 15-year-span and found that the higher the year-end credit score, the likelier the person was to form a romantic relationship over the next year. Those “with higher credit scores are more likely to form committed relationships relative to other observably similar individuals.” Those with poor scores saw their relationships and marriages fall apart more often and quicker. So what are you waiting for? Go right now and pay off your credit cards!


Paulie Malignaggi And Conor McGregor Get Into Heated Exchange At Press Event ‘Did You Bring Your Balls Conor?’


Former boxing champ Paulie Malignaggi is still salty at Conor McGregor over the whole sparring session photo leak from earlier this month. During a May-Mac press event in Las Vegas today, Malignaggi, who is working the fight for Showtime, confronted the UFC star and began yelling “Did you bring your Balls, Conor” over and over again.

It seems like Malignaggi is trying to set himself up for a fight with McGregor but we’ll see if that if there’s enough demand for that bout after Conor makes his boxing debut this weekend against Mayweather.

I got my money on Conor, not sure about you guys.

Celtics Fans Are Pissed At Danny Ainge For Trading Away Isaiah Thomas For Kyrie Irving


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Just a few moments ago, Dthe Boston Celtics completely a blockbuster trade that sent superstar point guard Isaiah Thomas and some other pieces to Cleveland for Cavs guard Kyrie Irving.

The trade is a tough one for Celtics fans because Isaiah Thomas was insanely popular in Boston. After the trade went down, Celtics GM Danny Ainge took a lot of heat from fans for trading away their beloved superstar.

TEEBAGS Is The Latest Golf + Cornhole Game Of The Week


Another week, another golf game going viral for playing with your buddies in the backyard or at beach. This one is called TEEBAGS and it was featured in our recent round-up of best backyard golf games. It’s similar to Chippo, except TEEBAGS is a mat that covers your existing cornhole board (…as compared to Chippo, which is the whole she-bang).

The thinking for TEEBAGS is pretty simple: Most people don’t really need more cornhole boards in their garage or basement. But a golf mat that you can put on an existing cornhole board and turn it into a chipping product? Brilliant! That’s the TEEBAGS value prop as a Kickstarter product — You get a mat for your cornhole board and a chipping mat, then it’s time to rip ’em by yourself or with your buddies.




Jon Jones Reportedly Tests Positive For Steriods, Will Be Stripped Of UFC Title And Is Facing 4-Year Ban

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Jon Jones’ MMA career has hit another roadblock. After his huge knockout win against Daniel Cormier at UFC 214, Jones reportedly failed his post-fight drug test, has been stripped of his title and is facing a lengthy ban for the Nevada athletic commission.


Jon Jones has tested positive for steroids in his UFC 214 victory over Daniel Cormier, and he has been stripped of his title … TMZ Sports has learned.
Our sources tell us … Jones tested positive for Turinabol — an anabolic steroid.

Jones won the July 29 fight — taking the UFC light heavyweight belt from Cormier with a savage head kick followed by a barrage of punishing punches to Cormier’s head.
The title now goes back to Cormier.

Jones’ fight against Cormier last month was his first fight back after serving a 1-year ban or testing positive for two banned substances.

Update: The UFC has released a statement on Jon Jones’ positive test.

The UFC organization was notified today that the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) has informed Jon Jones of a potential Anti-Doping Policy violation stemming from an in-competition sample collected following his weigh-in on July 28, 2017.

USADA, the independent administrator of the UFC Anti-Doping Policy, will handle the results management and appropriate adjudication of this case involving Jones, as it relates to the UFC Anti-Doping Policy and future UFC participation. Under the UFC Anti-Doping Policy, there is a full and fair legal process that is afforded to all athletes before any sanctions are imposed. The California State Athletic Commission (CSAC) also retains jurisdiction over this matter as the sample collection was performed the day before Jones’ bout at UFC 214 in Anaheim, CA, and USADA will work to ensure that the CSAC has the necessary information to determine its proper judgment of Jones’ potential anti-doping violation.

Gorgeous Jennifer Lopez Dresses Up As A Las Vegas Showgirl For Paper Magazine


Jennifer Lopez looks tremendous at 48-years-old. Even if she was 28-years-old she looks tremendous. In her latest photoshoot for Paper Magazine, the ravishing JLo dons a showgirl outfit for their Las Vegas issue and she is stunning.

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ARod is one lucky dude.

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Guy Named Jon Jones Trolls MMA Fans On Twitter Who Confuse Him With The UFC Star


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Earlier tonight, it was revealed that Jon Jones had received a notification from USADA that he had tested positive for steroids. After the news broke, people started berating the @jonjones, which belongs to a random dude named Jon Jones and not the UFC superstar.

Thankfully the other Jon Jones thought it was the perfect time to troll all the UFC fans who confused him with the disgraced UFC star.

Jazz Center Rudy Gobert Mocked Isaiah Thomas With Petty Retweet After Cavs-Celtics Trade


Over the summer, Isaiah Thomas and Rudy Gobert got into an emoji war when both players were recruiting free agent forward Gordon Hayward to sign with their teams. Hayward eventually signed with the Celtics but it looks like Gobert got the last laugh.

After Isaiah Thomas was traded to the Cavs tonight for Kyrie Irving, Gobert retweeted Thomas’ emoji-filled tweet from this summer which has to be the pettiest retweet in the history of NBA Twitter.

God the NBA is so fun.

The Craziest Rock Memoir Of 2017 Involves Crack-Smoking Girl Scouts And A Pure Love Of Making Music


Adios Motherfucker Book

Anthony Bourdain (yes, the famous chef and TV host) has a new book imprint and their first publication is an insane glimpse of the life of an 80s musician and member of the group The Unband.

Adios, Motherfucker: A Gentleman’s Progress Through Rock and Roll is “equal parts This Is Spinal Tap and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” and “a riotous and unbridled testament to rock and roll.” It also involves crack-smoking Girl Scouts.

“Emerging from the not-so-mean streets of suburban New England at the tail end of the 1980s, The Unband embraced everything reckless, unhealthy, and downright harebrained about rock and roll. After a decade on the booze-and-gas-soaked road to success, with the help of their dominatrix manager, a willful record executive or two, and dumb luck in spades, the hard-rocking, gleefully out-of-control Unband arrived at the threshold of the new century and got their shot at the big time—in a chaotic music industry where boy-band pop ruled supreme and rock music had been declared dead.

In this epic, intoxicated un-memoir, Unband bassist Michael Ruffino delves deeper into the story he originally told in 2004’s Gentlemanly Repose, taking readers along on a raucous tear through the netherworld of heavy rock, populated with crack-smoking Girl Scouts, collegiate bedlamites, shotgun-toting barmaids, a rodent-chomping music CEO, a beer-drinking chimp, and headbangers by the horde, while on tour with giants of heavy metal including Dio, Motörhead, Anthrax, Def Leppard, and a Who Was Who of reunited ’80s hair bands. Into that volatile mix, The Unband brought do-it-yourself pyrotechnics, a giant inflatable hand (for making giant inflatable gestures), a high tolerance for substance abuse of all kinds, and an infectious love of rock and roll and everything it stands for.”

This is rock and roll before the days of kale salad in the dressing room and demands for medium-sized dessert cakes. Grab a copy now.


The BroBible team writes about gear that we think you want. Occasionally, we write about items that are a part of one of our affiliate partnerships and we may get a percentage of the revenue from sales.

These Top-Rated Bluetooth Headphones Are 78% Off Today And Make The Perfect Gym Buddy


The most important item in your gym bag is your headphones. The second most important item is a pair of athletic socks. Have you ever worked out in dress socks? It’s gross as hell.

Your headphones help power through an intense workout, drown out the distractions of a crowded gym and keep that annoying dude from talking to you the entire damn time.

You need a good set of Bluetooth headphones for the gym and these Edelin Bluetooth Headphones might be the best yet. They have voice support, IOS battery status bar, a microphone, are able to connect to two devices simultaneously, offer stereo-quality sound, strong bass, three different sizes of ear tips and a battery that will last longer than that crazy dude on the elliptical machine.

This headset is perfect for running, jogging, yoga, Crossfit or any athletic endeavor. Unlike your dress socks, they’re waterproof and sweatproof, and now 78% off.


The BroBible team writes about gear that we think you want. Occasionally, we write about items that are a part of one of our affiliate partnerships and we may get a percentage of the revenue from sales.

Dialect Coach Breaks Down The Accents Of 31 Iconic Movie Characters


Erik Singer is a professional dialect expert and accent coach, and as far as I can tell he’s a friggin’ wizard. Back in November, Erik Singer released a previous video with WIRED where he broke down the accents of 32 famous movie characters and how the actors nailed those accents.

Today, Erik’s back but this time around he’s dissecting the accents of movie characters based on real people. So, he’s taking a fine tooth comb to roles like Jamie Foxx playing Ray Charles, Natalie Portman playing Jackie Kenney, Cuba Gooding Jr. playing O.J. Simpson and so on and so forth.

I think the accents in movies are something that a lot of moviegoers, myself included, take for granted. I can’t even roll my r’s when speaking Spanish but someone like Daniel Day Lewis can nail the accent of Abraham Lincoln with only a little work. It’s hard enough to emulate someone’s mannerisms and overall aura, but to also nail the exact speech patterns is pretty mind blowing. (h/t WIRED YouTube)

13-Year-Old Little Leaguer Jayce Blalock Blasted A 400-Foot Home Run At Braves’ Stadium


Haters will say it’s fake.

Actually, haters will say he was using a metal bat and that Jayce Blalock isn’t 13-years-old. And maybe that gale force winds were at his back. We know that the metal bat is true, but even still, 400 feet is pretty fucking impressive for a 13-year-old.

The left field corner of Sun Trust Park, the home to the Atlanta Braves, measures 375 feet. Blalock blew past that with this “batting practice” home run. I’m not a baseball distance expert, but I think that ball would have landed well over the 400 foot mark if it were to have landed on the ground.

If Jayce Blalock’s name sounds familiar, he recently bombed a 375-foot grand slam during the Little League World Series.


Keep dropping bomb, Jayce.

The Most Toxic Internet Trolls In America Live In…Vermont?


The longer you work on the Internet the number you become to criticism in the comments. Trolls believe themselves to be untouchable from behind their computer screens. They can say whatever the fuck they want without incurring any real world repercussions, and they do this while forgetting that it’s a real person on the other end that they’re insulting and/or threatening. I’ve seen literally countless comments threatening me, and a handful more threatening my family and even my dog who is a goddamn saint.

Reading the comments sucks, and you learn to stop doing it over time. People suck. And just as trolls often treat online threats and comments as if there’s not a real person on the other end it’s often easy to forget that these trolls are real people living in their parent’s basement…But where are these dark and musty basements that the trolls are living in?

Over at WIRED, software engineer Lo Bénichou worked with Disqus, the largest online commenting platform, to trace where the most toxic trolls in America are located. What they found is interesting:

Sharpsburg, GA:
The least toxic city in the US. Sadly, it’s not because scenes from The Walking Dead were shot here and zombies have eaten all the trolls. It’s just a small town, and the smaller the group, the more influence a few bad apples (or bright pennies) will have.
Park Forest, IL:
The most toxic city in the US, where 34 percent of comments are hostile. But 99 percent of those come from just two authors.
The proportion of crummy comments is higher here than in any other state.
New Hampshire:
Right next door, though, the home of “Live Free or Die” takes the prize for being the least toxic state in the US. (via)

They went even further than this and actually put together an entire map of the USA which shows where the most toxic Internet trolls in America are located. You can find that HERE on WIRED if you’re curious as to what the trolling looks like in your home state.

NPR’s This American Life had a fascinating podcast a few years ago about someone confronting their troll in real life. That podcast dives deep into how a person can become so deluded in their trolling that they lose any semblance of reality when it comes to attacking another human being.

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