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Market Research Firm Nielsen Moves Into The eSports Game, Plus Why Alibaba Is Thriving


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“There’s a high demand for reliable, independent measurement of value in esports.” The president of Nielsen Entertainment, Howard Appelbaum. His company announced an initiative to start getting into the weeds of the growing esports industry.

Market Snapshot

  • U.S. indexes ended lower with all 30 Dow stocks finishing lower.
  • The VIX jumped 30% following the attacks in Barcelona.
  • Bitcoin rose to $4,500.
  • Palladium hit a 16-year high, lifted by a strength in industrial metals.

Called Up to the Majors

We’re moving towards a world where the 40-yard dash is being replaced by the 40-button mash—so why not get on board with esports?

Market research firm Nielsen (-1.14%) introduced a new esports vertical to provide quality data and analytics to help teams, advertisers and tournament organizers navigate the fast-growing $696 million industry.

And at a time when 43 million people are tuning in to watch the League of Legends World Championship, while only 19.4 million watched Game 1 of the World Series, it might be onto something.

Nielsen has been a pioneer from the start

Back in 1923, good ol’ Arthur C. Nielsen dusted off his knickerbockers, got to work and developed the gold standard for gathering and measuring sales data, introducing the idea of “market share” into the global economy.

And by collecting data for nearly 100 years, across 100 countries and covering ~90% of the world’s population, Nielsen has become the go-to source for understanding spending habits.

It’s how Pepsi knows everyone buys more Coke and why the Super Bowl brings in more advertising revenue than Survivor: Milwaukee.

But when new trends emerge…

…the challenge becomes how to measure them.

Nielsen’s venture into esports is just one of the ways it’s responding to a changing media landscape. After realizing that people stopped watching TV on TV, Nielsen implemented software to measure data across digital platforms (like YouTube TV) to paint a true picture of television viewership.

And esports is in need of a similar picture. Currently, the industry’s most trusted metric is Justin’s Red Bull-to-Doritos ratio (Brewified Term coming soon). But now, as Nielsen teams up with high-profile stakeholders like Facebook, Activision Blizzard and Disney to develop standard consumer analytics, it looks as if esports is finally growing up.

Good news for the industry, bad news for Justin.

Jack of All Trades

Following Tencent’s (+1.92%) big day in the spotlight, Alibaba’s (+2.77%) Q1 earnings report showed there’s more than one ~$400 billion powerhouse in the world’s second biggest economy.

With revenue surging 56% to $7.4 billion (up from $2.5 billion two years ago), and profits doubling to $2.2 billion, Alibaba has stronger middle-class consumption and its growing cloud business to thank.

But this joy ride is far from over. While CEO Jack Ma and Alibaba chase down Amazon’s $474 billion market cap, consider that 85% of the traditional Chinese retail market remains untapped.

See Jack shoot. See Jack score. See Jack Ma.


$465 million is one hefty parking ticket.

But it’s the price pharmaceutical company Mylan (+0.30%) agreed to pay as it finalized a settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice.

The crime? Mylan was accused of intentionally mislabeling the EpiPen as a “generic” product instead of a “branded” one. Think about ibuprofen as the generic version of Advil—more difficult to say but both fix the hangover.

The distinction is a big deal because pharmaceutical companies pay Medicaid a far lower rebate on generic drugs (13%) than they do for brand names (23%). Meanwhile, last year Mylan increased the price of a pair of EpiPens from $100 to around $600, raising even more eyebrows about the accuracy of the “generic” label.

Now it’s time to pay up—and properly label the EpiPen.

What Else Is Happening…

  • Tesla (-3.03%) is working with GE (-1.39%) to install solar panels on the rooftops of 50 Home Depot (-1.69%) locations.
  • Syria held its first international business fair since 2011.
  • L.L.Bean unveiled a new manufacturing facility for its iconic “duck boot.”
  • Fortune released its list of the “40 under 40.” Get a load of these overachievers.

Economic Calendar

Water Cooler



An $80 million house in Beverly Hills

We know it’s a lot of money…but submit your offer now because the price on Albert Elkouby’s mansion won’t stop rising. Elkouby, the CEO of large apparel company JH Design, first listed his (unfinished) house in 2012 for $29.9 million. When it didn’t sell, he added more features to the house in 2015, including a 15-car garage, and threw it back on the market for $72 million. Still no takers, but of course, that’s because it was far too cheap. Now it’s finished and listed at $80 million. Finally, a bargain!


Drumstick Debacle

It’s that time of year again…football season! And food vendors across Atlanta have grabbed precious real estate in the Falcons’ brand new Mercedes-Benz Stadium. It’s a curious business decision for Chick-Fil-A, in particular. Sundays, the primary day for NFL games, happens to also be the only day of the week that Chick-Fil-A is closed to observe the Christian Sabbath. We thought that the whole point of business was to…you know…sell things. But what do we know? We just write a newsletter.



Underground markets pop up everywhere: social security numbers in Ukraine, pirating movies in a college freshman’s dorm room and in Kenya, they’re finding ways to skip long election lines. How? Renting babies. Kenya’s longstanding rule of letting parents with infants skip lines has been exploited for years by the “babies-for-rent” scheme. But law enforcement is wising up. For the most recent presidential race, election officials inked the fingers of babies to enforce a one-baby-per-parent rule. The jig is up for now, but we’re sure someone will find a workaround.


Question of the Day

At a picnic there were 3 times as many adults as children and twice as many women as men. If there was a total of x men, women and children at the picnic, how many men were there, in terms of x?

A. x/2

B. x/3

C. x/4

D. x/5

E. x/6

(Give Up?)

Who Am I?

  1. I started as a student at General Motors Institute when I was 18 years old.
  2. I am the first female CEO of General Motors.
  3. I was the world’s top-paid auto CEO in 2016.
  4. I am ranked number five on Forbes’ list of the World’s Most Powerful Women.

(Any guesses?)

Stat of the Day

$74 billion

Bitcoin’s new market cap. It now has a higher valuation than Netflix, Adobe and PayPal.

3-Mile-Wide Asteroid Is The Largest Earth-Buzzing Object NASA Has Ever Seen



For nearly 20 years NASA’s JPL Center for NEO Studies has been tracking near-Earth objects that whizz past our planet. The JPL Center continually monitors space for asteroids that could hit Earth and have the potential to be planet-killers. In the past two decades, NASA has never seen an Earth-buzzing object as massive as what’s flying by on September 1. On that day, a 3-mile-wide asteroid named Florence will be 4.4 million miles from Earth, or about 18 times the average Earth-Moon distance. Many asteroids have come closer, but they were much smaller than Florence. It will be close enough that it will be easily visible using a small telescope.

“While many known asteroids have passed by closer to Earth than Florence will on September 1, all of those were estimated to be smaller,” says Paul Chodas, manager of NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS). “Florence is the largest asteroid to pass by our planet this close since the NASA program to detect and track near-Earth asteroids began.”

Florence is the largest asteroid to pass this close to our planet since the first near-Earth asteroid was discovered over 100 years ago. Asteroid Florence was discovered in 1981 and named in honor of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. Astronomers will use the near flyby to study Florence and take high-resolution photos to reveal what the surface of the asteroid is like. Florence is technically 2.7-miles-wide, but any object that is larger than 0.6 miles has the capability to end all life on Earth as we know it. NASA says Florence poses no threat to Earth for the next 500 years.

The next asteroid flyby after Florence comes in October when asteroid 2012 TC4 comes a little too close for comfort at a distance of 31,130 miles, but thankfully this rock is only 49-feet-wide.


Kanye West Is Reportedly Holed Up In The Studio Recording A Secret Project With His Former Apprentice


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Last Summer was a strange time for Kanye West and Kid Cudi. There was a time when the two men were as tight as brothers, but then Cudi left Kanye’s label and the two started beefing on Twitter/Social Media late last Summer.

Cudi went on a Twitter rant calling out Kanye for having 30 people write songs on ‘The Life of Pablo’. Kanye responded with a scathing rebuke of Cudi, saying “Don’t you ever mention ‘Ye name, I birthed you” amongst other things. Kid Cudi later checked himself into rehab for suicidal urges and depression. At some point, Kanye was also hospitalized for a nervous breakdown. Those two went through some shit last year, that’s for sure.

Now, Page Six is reporting that Kanye is holed up in the recording studio with his former protege Kid Cudi and the two are working on a secret project that they’re expected to drop out of the blue:

“they’re going to drop some crazy collaboration out of the blue,” an insider told us. “They’re going to drop some surprise project on everybody. They’re recording it now.”
They’re keeping the lid so tight that “nobody knows what it is — or what it sounds like . . . There are no professionals in the room. It’s just Cudi, Kanye and an engineer. They’re recording together in Japan.” (via)

Kanye was reportedly working at a recording studio somewhere in the mountains of Montana back in May to rediscover his ‘creative groove’. He’s also been spotted hitting the studio with Atlanta-based rappers Migos…And now this.

It sounds to me like 2018 is set to be the Year of Kanye if this timeline holds up, right? (h/t PageSix)

Adam Richman From ‘Man Vs. Food’ Eats The World’s Hottest Foods


Adam Richman is a pretty good homie of ours here at BroBible. We love his stories from Man vs. Food, one of the best travel channel shows of all time. Last year we had him swing by the office to discuss his favorite pizza places and, damn, does that dude know a couple things about delicious ‘za.

Richman hit up the Hot Ones studio to discuss his career while crushing some of the hottest wings on the planet. He’s Adam Richman, so he’s a total champ about it, but still — The challenge opens that salvo and causes him to sweat like a fiend.

Here’s Adam’s ranking of all-time great pizza places:

Browns Pro Bowler Joe Thomas Trying To Name All 18 Quarterbacks He’s Protected Is Hilarious*


joe thomas names all browns qbs

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Speaking of NFL linemen that we love, Cleveland Browns Pro Bowler Joe Thomas is another one that is most definitely on that list. Between his A+ reaction to that whole United Airlines debacle awhile back to his honest assessment of why Johnny Manziel flopped, Thomas is one of the most interesting and enjoyable guys in the NFL.

It has been said in the past that offensive linemen are probably the smartest guys on the field. However, the test that Joe Thomas had to take this week, naming all 18 Browns quarterbacks he has had to protect in his long and storied career was most definitely a tough one.

We’ve all by now become very familiar with the infamous Cleveland Browns quarterback jerseys…

So you can imagine that naming all 18 off the top of your head, even if you played with them would be difficult. Let’s see how well he does…

Nicely done, Mr. Thomas. That was very impressive.

Now let’s just hope that this year’s crop of Browns QBs doesn’t drive you to drink like it already has your head coach Hue Jackson.

Then again, there is still always this option…

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(*For everyone that isn’t a Cleveland Browns fan.)

H/T Busted Coverage

These Are The Most Popular Brands In Pop Music Right Now And Rolls Royce Is #1


If you were to ask me what the most popular brands in Pop Music are, without looking at the chart below I’d have probably said Jordan, Adidas, Ferrari, Bacardi, and a handful of others. I would’ve been pretty f’n wrong. Under no circumstances would I have guessed that Rolls Royce is the #1 brand in Pop Music, but it is.

Kim Bhasin and Lance Lambert of Bloomberg analyzed all of the Billboard Top 20 songs from May 2014 to May 2017 for brand mentions. What they found was Rolls Royce reigned supreme with 11 shout-outs. Here’s what the rest of the data looked like:

8 of the top 12 are cars/auto brands, and one of them is an anxiety drug. Across the 280 songs they reviewed from May 2014 to May 2017, there were 212 different brands who received mentions and it was cars and fashion which accounted for the vast majority of those mentions.

The brand mentions in pop music these days doesn’t seem nearly as invasive as it did from like 1998 to 2008. There was a time when I stopped listening to the radio entirely because it felt like everything was a fucking ad. The music was all pumping brands non-stop and then you’d be forced to listen to ads in between the ads, and that shit would never end. Like I said, it’s gotten a lot better these days but as you can see from the chart above Pop Music is still full of brand shout-outs.

Grab Your Biggest Growler— It’s Bring Your Own Cup Day At 7-Eleven




It’s Bring Your Own Cup Day, a national celebration of artificial flavoring, high-fructose corn syrup, and loss leaders made possible by the generous folks at 7-Eleven. For $1.50, you can walk into any participating location on August 18th and 19th with essentially any container in tow and fill it to the brim with whatever flavor Slurpee your heart desires.

If you’re looking to participate this year, it’s worth noting there are a few rules. The first— and most important— is that your “cup” has to be able to fit through a 10-inch wide hole in a cardboard cutout placed inside each 7-Eleven. We’re under the impression any inflatable pool you might bring must be filled with air before you attempt to pass the test.

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While most 7-Eleven locations are open 24 hours a day, you can only fill your own cup from 11 AM to 7 PM. It should go without saying that all vessels must be watertight and safe for food, but there have apparently been instances in the past that made it necessary to make that an explicit stipulation. You can also only bring one cup per person, so follow the example of Indiana Jones in The Last Crusade and choose wisely.

Here are some of the best examples from this year and beyond.

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Using Booze And Chicken Nuggets Man Brilliantly Parodies Girlfriend’s Motivational Instagram


You’ve seen the fitness/motivational/healthy-eating Instagram accounts by women. They’re inundated with photos of bright Lululemon workout outfits, acai bowls, painful-looking yoga poses, and graphics of inspirational quotes. It’s one thing to check your Instagram and occasionally be transported to this foreign world, but imagine having to take all of those photos? That is the duty of Edward Lane, who generously snaps photos of his girlfriend’s healthy lifestyle for her inspiring Instagram. After taking many photos for her account, he decided to give it a whirl. But instead of Fit Tea advertisements, kombucha, and avocado smoothies, our friend Edward here features booze, chicken nuggets, cheeseburgers, and marker-drawn abs in his inspiring Instagram photos.

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“Literally hundreds of people were double-tapping a picture of my girlfriend eating salad – it made absolutely no sense to me. But most of all it cracked me up,” Lane said.

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Edward, who spent 18 months behind the camera as “Chief Photographer or Despondent Instagram Husband” to his girlfriend Amy Hopkinson, dispenses unique workout regimens.

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But Ed doesn’t just offer inspiration, he provides important diet ideas and meal-planning for those serious about living healthy, but also love chicken nuggs and cheeseburgers.

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He offers a refreshing take on avocado toast, a staple of the healthy-living lifestyle.

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There’s also words of wisdom.

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The Rock Just Dropped Some Of His Workout Playlist So We Can Be BAMFs At The Gym Like Him


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Want to be able to hit 490-yard drives off the tee? Want to have people stop traffic just to get a selfie with you? Want to become the highest paid actor in the world? Yeah, none of that is going to happen.

However, if you want to hit the gym and listen to some of the same music that motivates a guy who actually did accomplish all of those things listed above, Dwayne “The Rock Johnson, then today is your lucky day!

While we may not ever be able to pull off the same insane workout routine as The Rock, at least now we can jam out to the same tunes, so it’s almost like we’re actually him, right? Definitely.

Here’s the playlist DJ dropped on his Instagram account earlier today…

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— SMOKIN’ – Boston
— SOUL MAN – Blues Brothers
— ONE BURBON, ONE SCOTCH, ONE BEER – George Thoroughgood
— RUNAWAY BABY – Bruno Mars

He even made an actual playlist on iTunes too, but just in case you’re an Android person, I too gathered them all up for you below…

Floyd Mayweather Says Conor McGregor Was ‘Extremely Dirty’ In Sparring Video With Paulie Malignaggi


During this week’s media conference call, Floyd Mayweather gave us his thoughts on the whole Paulie Malignaggi-Conor McGregor sparring video debacle. According to Floyd, he feels that McGregor was “extremely dirty” from what he saw in the UFC star’s sparring session with Malignaggi.

“A lot of shots were illegal,” “Lots of grappling and illegal punching behind the head.”He had Joe Cortez in his camp but I still saw him being extremely dirty. My job is not to worry about the referee but to let the referee do his job.”

McGregor might want to clean things up because if he gets caught doing anything too dirty during his fight against Mayweather he could lose up to 90 percent of his purse.

Could The New LG V30 Challenge Samsung And Apple For Best Phone On The Market?

LG V30


Usually, the discussion about the best phone on the market revolves around two companies: Apple and Samsung. But the rest of the pack is catching up. Google’s Pixel was a giant success and phone manufacturers from China, such as Huawei, have made great strides in recent years. LG made a great phone with the G6 when it debuted in March of this year. But is the South Korean tech company’s newest flagship phone, the LG V30, ready to play with the big boys like Apple and Samsung? They just might be.

The upcoming LG V30 will sport dual rear cameras as its predecessor, the LG V20 did. However, the V30 will improve upon the camera’s abilities by upgrading to a f/1.6 glass lens, delivering much more light into dark photos than the V20’s f/1.9 aperture. The ability of low-light shooting and addition of a glass lens will instantly improve the V30’s camera, a department that the V20 was lacking.

The LG V30 will have a 6-inch curved, edge-to-edge OLED display and will be the first-ever device to feature a plastic OLED FullVision display, which is said to be stronger than the typical glass base. The plastic is then covered by Gorilla Glass. The smaller bezels allow for a larger screen without having a larger phone. The display will boast 4.15 million pixels for a 1440 x 2880 resolution OLED screen. The smartphone offers a fingerprint sensor in the rear of the phone without being right next to the camera.

The phone is expected to have a Snapdragon 835 processor, 3,300mAh battery, and USB-C port. LG’s most recent handsets have featured a second screen, but that will be replaced in the V30 with a “floating bar” that allows for quick access to shortcuts and notifications. The new LG V30 will make its debut on August 31st at the IFA 2017 tech show in Berlin, begin taking preorders on September 17, and then ship the handsets on September 28.


13 ‘Things We Want’ This Week: Watches, Shoes, Survival Tools, And More!


things we want

Alright, bros, it’s time again for the weekly ‘Things We Want’ feature. It’s a collection of the hottest gear I’ve come across this week. Ranging from items I desperately want in my life to things I’ll never be able to afford, I try and include a cross section of everything here in the ‘Things We Want‘ roundup. If you know of a product that you think should be featured in my weekly Gear Guide then feel free to hit me up via email at cass@brobible.com.

The Minimalist Luminous Swiss Watch From Braithwait — Save Big Thanks To The Eclipse

things we want

I’ve featured Braithwait Swiss watches here in the past in the Things We Want column because they’re the most transparent Swiss watch maker around, meaning they don’t jack up the price with a bunch of things hidden below the surface. Monday is the total solar eclipse here in America, and they’ll be running a very timely deal on the Minimalist Luminous timepiece:

“Beginning at 9AM ET on eclipse day, customers will be able to access exclusive pricing for the Minimalist Luminous via the BRATHWAIT website. Tracing the path of totality, the percentage savings will increase by 10% every two hours as the eclipse passes over the continental United States — building from 10% off to a max of 30% off by the time the eclipse reaches South Carolina.”

So, if you want to save 30% on this watch thanks to the first total solar eclipse in decades just follow that link!

Get It NOW: $259

Phiaton BT 390 Wireless Headphones (Comes In Black Or White)

things we want

I had the chance to test out the Phiaton BT 390 wireless Bluetooth headphones this week and I’ll tell you bros that I was blown away. Something that stuck out the most to me about these headphones is how the sound quality seemed to be optimal at extreme (high and low) volumes. I threw on ‘Rap Caviar’ on Spotify and tested these headphones out for several hours and I definitely think these are worth way more than the $79 sticker price on Amazon. The Bluetooth 4.1 leads to enhanced battery life and sound quality. The battery lasts up to 30 hours on continuous play, and there’s a cable which allows you ot use the headphones by plugging directly into the headphone jack even after the battery has run out. These are legit, and if you need some new headphones (or know someone who does) you should click that link below.

Get It NOW: $79

Introducing ‘Bucketfeet’ — A 100% Made To Order Artist-Designed Footwear Brand

things we want

Bros! Meet Bucketfeet. It’s a 100% made to order brand of artist-designed footwear. The styles are endless, and you’re practically guaranteed to always be the person in the room wearing the freshest, most stylish kicks. Bucketfeet is seeking to serve as a platform for artists to sell their unique work and spark conversation. Since every pair is made to order they are never out of stock. Each pair is delivered within 10 days of ordering. There are over 40,000 artists participating in this project now and that number is expected to grow up to 100,000 by 2018.

Get It NOW: $85

Tevas Sandals — They’re Back

things we want

I was eight years old when I owned my first pair of Tevas in the 90s. I got them at K-Mart in the summer and there were little red lizards woven into the straps. They lasted an entire summer, being the best shoe ever for wading in the freestone mountain creek near my parent’s house, walking over rocks to catch minnows and crayfish. My Jesus-walkers had to be retired after my next growth spurt.

A staple of us Phish-loving, weekend-warrior granola types in the ’90s, Tevas have quietly made a cool comeback over the past couple years. They’re *still* the summer sandal of choice for people who need to get their feet wet when kayaking, tubing, rafting, whatever… And their designs are radder than ever. The Teva Universal Sandal has a plethora of colorways and The Sanborn is the most comfortable open-toed shoe you’ll ever wear. The Terra Float, pictured above, is the ultimate fast-drying river shoe.

Suck it, elitist fashion snobs: Tevas are cool again. Welcome to the greatest era of human footwear history. — @brandonwenerd

Get It NOW: $39 And Up

Holtzman’s Paracord Keychain Carabiner Survival Tool

things we want

This paracord keychain carabiner doubles as a unique survival tool. It has a built-in flint rod, whistle, flint scraper/cutter, key ring, and of course the 550 paracord. It’s a unique-looking and highly functional keychain, if that’s what you’re in the market for.

Get It NOW: $10

Fishpond Summit Sling Fly Fishing Pack

things we want

Your backpack and your fishing pack are as different as night and day. For fishing the back country and/or hitting the trout streams out West you need a very specific bag with you to carry all that luggage. The Fishpond Summit Sling Fly Fishing Pack has a velcro patch for flies, waterproof zippers, flexible latch tubes, and is built for fishing from the inside out.

Get It NOW: $99

This Cold Brew Coffee Maker Is The Best Thing I’ve Bought Myself All Summer

Takeya Cold Brew Coffee maker

This BPA-free, dishwasher safe plastic pitcher has a built-in infuser. You pour the coffee grounds into the infuser, drop it into the water, let it sit overnight (8 to 36 hours), and you’ve got delicious cold brew coffee waiting for you. I prefer to add a healthy dose of cinnamon into the middle of the coffee grounds, and I use the Starbucks Morning Blend which I buy in bulk online.

The Takeya Cold Brew Iced Coffee Maker only costs $19. You can make the cold brew coffee overnight and then remove the infuser, or you can purchase the set of two pitchers and transfer the coffee into the empty pitcher. I prefer this (this is the setup I purchased) because it enables me to always be making more cold brew coffee. I drink several cups a day and I’ve yet to run out because I always have one pitcher that I’m drinking cold brew out of and another pitcher that is brewing up delicious coffee.

Get It NOW: $19

Turn Your Boring Backyard Into A Hangout With This $40 Fire Pit

backyard fire pit sale

With the summer days dwindling down it’s natural to want the nights to last forever (or at least until you pass out.) But let’s be honest, your backyard is straight boring. It needs fire. Fire makes EVERYTHING better. Before you soak a fence in lighter fluid and strike a match, let’s consider a more controlled flame. Check out this Roman fire pit that’s sure to turn your patio into a party zone (or at least a S’more making area).

This unique fire pit features a 35″ diameter high temp antique bronze painted steel fire bowl with hammered lip and brushed painted steel legs. The Roman Fire Pit comes complete with a one piece mesh fire screen with high-temperature paint, ensuring that your flames are kept contained while enjoying the blazing warmth.

Get It NOW: $40

BOKER Plus 01BO010 Credit Card Knife

things we want

The BOKER Plus Credit Card Knife is a tiny and affordable everyday carry blade that will fit discretely into your pocket. It’s light, sharp, and durable. What else can you ask for in an everyday carry blad?

Get It NOW: $24

Buff Sport Water 2 Gloves — Your New Favorite Fishing Gloves

things we want

If you’re in the market for some new fishing gloves then check these out. They’re an industry-wide favorite, respected by professional and amateur anglers alike. You can save money by purchasing them through Amazon where they have a 4.5 out of 5-star rating.

Get It NOW: $20

Trakk Bullet Ultra Compact Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker

things we want

Trakk Bullet Bluetooth speakers endure a test that sends water at all angles through a 12.5mm nozzle at a rate of 100 liters/min at a pressure of 100kN/m² for three minutes from a distance of three meters. If they can’t play high-quality, crystal clear, wireless music after that test, they don’t get off the production line. Sound tough enough? This speaker was designed with adventure in mind, and at just six inches long with a 1600mAh battery, the Trakk Bullet will provide an enduring soundtrack for even your most intense treks.

Get It NOW: $39.99

Aerix Black Talon 2.0 Micro FPV Beginner Racing Drone

things we want

Drone racing’s popularity is growing fast, but racing drones are almost all inherently tough for beginners to control. The Aerix Black Talon, however, is the first drone designed for beginner racers, giving you the extreme performance of a high-speed drone with the enhanced flight control of more novice drones. Capable of streaming live video in 720P via an independent WiFi transmission to the free app, you can steer more accurately while recording flights in first-person so you can improve on your mistakes.

Get It NOW: $99

Keep Your Cable for a Fraction of the Price & Access It Anywhere with fuboTV

things we want

While initially built as a go to streaming spot for soccer matches, fuboTV has made major strides both within and well beyond the sports world. As more and more people cut the cable cord to save money, fuboTV has filled the gap, offering affordable plans to view your favorite HD channels live. From major networks like NBC and FOX, to cable channels like A&E and FXX, to a range of sports channels including FS1, NBC Sports Network, and NBA TV, fuboTV marks the glorious intersection between live television and affordability.

Get It NOW: $5



RELATED: 15 Fishing Accessories Every Bro Needs In His Tackle Box: A Bro’s Guide To Fishing Gear


The BroBible team writes about gear that we think you want. Occasionally, we write about items that are a part of one of our affiliate partnerships and we may get a percentage of the revenue from sales.

Check Out The Baller Mansion Steph Curry Is Selling For The Bargain Price Of $3.195 Million


OpenHomesPhotography.com / Getty Images

We’ve seen a lot of sick celebrity homes over the years. Heck, we just saw a mansion that Eminem put on the market recently that we’d move into tomorrow if we could. We’ve also seen ridiculous homes put on the market by Mel Gibson, Scottie Pippen and Adrian Peterson as well as the current estates of people like Rickie Fowler, Bryce Harper, Jameis Winston, and many others.

Now we can add a Mediterranean-inspired villa owned by Golden State Warriors star Steph Curry that he is currently trying to unload for $3.195 million after he found no takers at his initial asking price of $3.6 million.

According to Zillow

The sprawling 7,520-square-foot estate received updates in 2015, especially in the kitchen and bathrooms. You’ll enjoy a state-of-the-art La Cornue appliances in the kitchen, and a BainUltra therapeutic tub now accompanies the steam shower in the master bath.

All five of the bedrooms in the main house provide access to the wraparound terraces, where views of Mt. Diablo can be found. And while you’re entertaining on the terrace, a Control4 smart system allows you to adjust music, monitor the alarm system, view the security cameras and turn lights on and off.

In addition to the 5-bed, 6-bath main house, the estate includes a guesthouse, a double deep 3-car garage, and a nearly 1-acre lot.

Yeah, I think I could live there. Especially after seeing some of these pics of the pad taken by OpenHomesPhotography.com, courtesy of Caldecott Properties.

Check out even more pics over at Zillow.

After Subway Series Sweep, Yankees Troll Mets Hard With ‘Game Of Thrones’ Jab


The Yankees and Mets battled for bragging rights of New York as they squared up for their Subway Series battle. The Bronx Bombers swept the four-game series this week that was capped off with a 7-5 win at Citi Field on Thursday night. This was just the second time since interleague play began in 1997 that the Yankees swept a season series against the Mets, the last coming in 2003.

The social media accounts for the Yankees took a mighty jab at their cross-town rivals and reminded the Mets who is the king of New York with a Game of Thrones-themed insult. In just three words and a crown emoji, the Yankees’ Twitter account destroyed the Mets. Bend. The. Knee.

The Yankees are happy to be back as the king of New York.

This Girl Who Could Pass For Selena Gomez’s Doppelganger Has Got The Internet Shook


selena gomez doppelganger lookalike Sofia Solares

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Once again the internet thinks it has found another celebrity doppelganger. We’ve been through this drill many times before with Scarlett Johansson, Chloe Mortez, Adam Sandler, Angelina Jolie and so on.

This time around it’s a 22-year-old from Mexico named Sofia Solares who looks very similar to one Selena Gomez. Guess what? She also happens to be a big fan of the singer/actress too.

“Yes, I love Selena Gomez and I declare myself a fan of hers and of course it would be a dream to know that she is aware of my existence,” Sofia told E! News exclusively (in quotes translated from Spanish). “If she were to take a few minutes to write something to me—I would cry of happiness!”

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Solares isn’t one of those weirdos who because she kind of looks like a celebrity wants to go around impersonating them all the time.

“Honestly, with time I’ve already gotten used to people saying, ‘You look like Selena Gomez,’ wherever I’ve been…It’s not something that I dislike, but I like it better when they love me for being myself,” she explained.

“There are occasions where she can put something on or change her look etc. and when I like something I wear it or I’ll do it because it truly inspires me, but I always try to stay true to myself,” Sofia continued. “I mean, it’s great that I look like her, but I don’t want to lose myself trying to be someone that I’m not!”

Solid move.

Now check out some more pics below and see the uncanny resemblance for yourself…

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67 Of The Best Damn Photos On The Internet This Afternoon


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It’s time for us to all check out the newest funny memes and photos on the Internet. The BroBible ‘Best Damn Photos’ is a twice daily pic dump. It brings together the funniest photos and memes from all across the Internet. You can check out previous editions of the morning and afternoon Best Damn Photos pic dump by following that link, but don’t go anywhere without viewing today’s best funny photos! Make sure to follow us on Instagram at @brobible for more funny pics. And to see your pictures featured here on BroBible, consider sending them to me on Twitter HERE, and if the pics are good I’ll include them.

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@kellie_strange / Instagram

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twitter / fuckjerry

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mrakitich / the chive

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christinepulliamcole / Instagram

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@cheyenneelee / Instagram

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gaff magazine / facebook

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reddit / wtf

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@v_for_vanessaa / Instagram

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Today’s photos came from Dumpaday, The Chive, Radass, BadChix, FishBras Instagram, NBA Memes, Only For Men, The Man Page, Fuck Jerry, NFL Memes, BroBible Tumblr, Reddit/IMGUR, Tumblr, and Facebook (individual image credit to a photograph can be applied upon request).

This Raging Heavy Metal Cover Of ‘Africa’ By Toto Is Your New Favorite Tune


It’s Friday afternoon and as we head into the weekend I want to leave you bros with a banger. Yesterday, I wrote about this heavy metal cover of ‘Despacito’ by Leo Moracchioli that’s still stuck in my head over 24 hours later. If you haven’t listened to the Heavy Metal cover of ‘Despacito’ yet you need to click that link.

Ever since I listened to that track yesterday I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of Heavy Metal covers on YouTube. Somewhere along the way, I subscribed to the Frog Leap Studios YouTube channel that posted yesterday’s video and now I’ve got this new song stuck in my head. Leo Moracchioli is back today with Rabea & Hannah to perform ‘Africa’ by Toto, a song I hear way too fucking often.

There’s some sort of iPhone glitch that starts playing the music on your phone alphabetically when you plug it into my car. So every time I flip over to Bluetooth in my car ‘Africa’ by Toto starts playing because of the goddamn alphabet. I didn’t even know I had this song on my iPhone until I discovered this obnoxious glitch and now I get pissed off every time I hear ‘Africa’ by Toto start playing….What’s the point of all this? I’m thinking about saving this Heavy Metal cover of ‘Africa’ by Toto on my phone just so I stop hearing the same version song over and over and over and over…Any of you bros out there have this problem too?

Kevin Durant Wants A Teacher Fired, Thrown In Jail For Negatively Comparing Him To Jordan


kevin durants tweets teacher fired jail jordan comparison

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Kevin Durant has been on fire over on his Twitter account since winning his first NBA Championship. He’s always been an, uh, interesting follow on the social media platform, but since winning that title he’s taken it to new levels.

Durant has gotten into a Twitter fight with a guy who named his dog after him. He spent hours tweeting back and forth with a bunch of trolls and haters. And has even just spent time talking basketball with random fans.

Today, however, Durant took to Twitter to express his displeasure with a story on SB Nation in which a teacher (jokingly, in my opinion) negatively compared KD to The GOAT Michael Jordan.

It reads…

DON’T BE A…Kevin Durant

KD left the OKC Thunder last summer after falling to the Golden State Warriors in the Western Conference Finals. Following the end of the season, he decided it was in his best interest to join the very same team that had just knocked him out of the playoffs. Don’t be like KD. Don’t take the easy way out. Things like cheating, plagiarizing, and copying your friends homework may not seem like a big deal now but they are building habits that can significantly hinder you later in life. Additionally, always strive to finish what you’ve started. Half-finished homework is unfinished homework. Don’t try to turn in an assignment if you have not done what is necessary and expected.

DO BE A…Michael Jordan

MJ! The GOAT! 6 championships. 4 MVPs. Yadda yadda. The greatest thing this man ever did? Saving the Looney Tunes from a lifetime of servitude to an alien race. Did MJ take the easy way out? Did he ever back down from a challenge? NO! Be like Mike. Learning a new language is a challenging thing and parts of this year are going to be

Then it gets cut off, but the message is pretty clear by that point. And funny.

Well, at least I thought it was funny. Kevin Durant? Not so much.

Whoever did this should be fired and thrown in jail? I hope he was kidding. If not, Twitter user @@AaronD30_ sums this up best…


Diaries Of The Rich And Famous: The 50 Most Awesome, Amusing And Absurd Celebrity Instagrams Today


This is quite the dragon impression.
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Every day dozens and dozens of celebrities share pictures, videos, jokes, gear and other goodies to their Instagram accounts. There is literally so much going on with so many people that there’s almost no way the average bro can keep tabs on it all. So, because we care, we do it for you so you can waste your time at work, at home or wherever you may be in a much more efficient manner. After all, if you’re going to be wasting time, you want to do it right.

Here are the best celebrity Instagram posts we saw on the internet today…

Wake up, it’s time!
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Katie Cassidy really knows how to travel.
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So does Ludacris.
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Being a celebrity is hard.
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Very hard.
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Like super-duper hard.
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Sly Stallone is an awesome annoying dad though.
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Reggie Miller bikes in way better places than me.
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Get a room, you two.
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Kobe, Vanessa and Lin-Manuel Miranda.
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The Doctor is in.
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The Miz is getting very nervous about his Cavs.
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You think this is really how she eats breakfast?
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Nice ride, RDJ.
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Austin Dillon is ready to roll.
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Nikki Bella, something, something, hose joke.
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More comedy.
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Real or nah?
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Rachael Taylor works out.
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So does Lindsey Vonn.
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As does King James.
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Arnold says we should terminate hate.
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It’s getting closer!
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Nice view, Bella.
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You too, Bar.
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I wish I could go on vacation as much as celebrities do.
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Yes, I do.
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Steve Austin has a very good dog.
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So does Troy Aikman.
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As does Caity Lotz.
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And Henry Cavill.
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Magic has been on a yacht for 18 days.
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She gets paid to do this.
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So does she.
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Pretty much how I eat breakfast everyday.
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This is how I get my clothes made too.
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Typical visit to the coffee house.
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Charlie Sheen, still alive and kicking.
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I feel you, brother.
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John Mayer and Hannibal Buress hung out.
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No idea.
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Today’s celebrity words of wisdom…
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The 6 Biggest Deals In Patagonia’s Annual Summer Sale



Doesn’t get any more Bro than rockin’ Patagonia, no matter the season. With fall on the horizon, Patagonia is in the middle of their biggest sale of the year, with deals on popular items up to 50% off. Here are six of the best deals on the Patagonia website to grab before the sale is in the rearview mirror like your summer.

Patagonia Lightweight Synchilla Snap-T Fleece Pullover

The fleece every Bro needs for those chilly fall nights and tailgating season.

Regular price: $99

GET IT NOW: Starting at $49



Patagonia Yerba Backpack 24L 

You don’t need a clunky, expensive carry all. Just throw it in this pack and onward you go…

Regular price: $79



Patagonia Trucker Hats

Whether your surf, hunt, or fish, it feels like every outdoor-loving Bro in America has this hat right now. HUGE markdown on it, easily at the lowest prices we’ve ever seen.

Regular price: $29



Patagonia Men’s Nano-Air Vests, Hoodies, and Jackets

Lightweight and super warm. Warm enough to be your winter jacket, as long as you can avoid the *serious* cold this winter.

Regular price: Starting at $199

GET IT NOW: Starting at $99


Various Patagonia Waterproof Shells and Jackets 

Being wet sucks. Patagonia shells and jackets keep you dry on those days you walk to work without an umbrella. Best paired with LL Bean duck boots.

Regular price: Starting at $199

GET IT NOW: Starting at $59



The Headway Duffle

I like my duffle bags like I like my steak: Lightly seasoned and simple.

Regular price: $139




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