You know the drill, spoilers ahead. Shit went down in last night’s episode of “Game of Thrones” titled “Beyond the Wall.” There were amazing developments in the penultimate episode for Season 7. Here are the best, funniest, smartest, and snarkiest Twitter reactions to the outstanding Episode 6.
Sansa and Arya had a nasty sibling spat and whinned about who suffered more.
Then Sansa found Arya’s bag of human faces.
Meanwhile, Bran be like.
As the Magnificent Seven seek to snag a White Walker so someone finally believes Jon, Gendry complains how Melisandre almost killed him with sex.
Tormund had this to say about the lack of women beyond the Wall.
Tormund and the Hound just out there shooting the shit about their crushes.
Why the fuck is the Hound throwing rocks and igniting a war with the undead?
Dany and her dragons come to save the day!!!
The Night King flaunted his killer arm. Talent evaluators from the New York Jets have already gone beyond the Wall to scout the Night King.
Down goes the dragon. Down goes the dragon.
RIP Viserion.
Welcome to a world where there is motherfucking zombie ice dragons.
The Night King and Team White Walkers look unbeatable right now.
Despite being in the frigid North, things are heating up between Jon Snow and his aunt.
Jon was so smitten with Dany that he even bent the knee.
Important questions and issues still remain.
Reminder, next week’s episode of “Game of Thrones” is the last one of the season.
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