Is there any day better than arm day? No, there isn’t. Arm day is on par with partying with Charlie Sheen, drinking tiger blood, and never getting an STD. It’s just downright awesome.
Seriously, nothing in this world beats arm day. It’s safe to say that every single bro out there can trace his love of training back to arm day. Harken back to the days when we were wee high school bro’s without the slightest clue of how to properly train.
We’d just walk into the gym and curl away, getting a massive bicep pump in the process. Nowadays it’s popular to be a powerlifter. To squat, deadlift, bench, and perform all the other big lifts for as heavy as possible. Which is awesome. Those lifts are great. But nothing beats the insane pump that a badass arm day delivers.
That being said, many bros out there still have an arm day, but they screw it up. We’re all curling away but never seeing any arm growth, which is shit. That’s now how it’s supposed to work.
Arm day is essentially practicing your 2nd amendment right. Why would you want to go and fuck something like that up?
Don’t worry though. I’ve got your back when it comes to creating the perfect arm day. If you’re looking to build guns that require a license, here is the perfect arm day routine
Superset 1:
- Close grip bench 5×8
- Barbell curl 5×8
Superset 2:
- Tricep pushdown – rope attachment 4×12*
- Cable curl – turn pinkies out at the top 4×12*
*Drop set your last set to complete failure. After 12 reps, lower the weight by 10lbs and go to failure. Keep this up until there isn’t any more weight left to drop.
Superset 3:
- Tricep pushdown – straight bar 4×10*
- Reverse curl 4×10*
*Tempo: Utilize tempo for even more gains here by taking 3 seconds on the negative portion of the lift and 2 seconds on the up, or concentric portion of the lift.
Superset 4:
- Close grip push-up 3xfailure
- Dumbbell incline curl 3×12*
*Drop set the last set
Be prepared for a ridiculous pump and to really humble yourselves with the weight you can use. This is a fuck ton of volume, and because of that you’ll need to choose your weights wisely.
I also suggest resting about 90 seconds between each superset to let yourself recover a bit and perform each set and rep properly. Happy arm day bro’s. Go exercise your 2nd amendment right.
Watch Now: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 6 Rules For Success