I’m a guy who easily sees the beauty in people. My friends like to use synonymous terms like “no standards” and “desperate,” but I like to focus on the positives in the women I meet and try to ignore the Adam’s Apple when I can.
So when I first caught a glimpse of 22-year-old Hawaii native Alyse Brautigam, she passed my test for women with flying colors (was over 18, had a pulse, and doesn’t have a beard).
But upon further review, the call on the field has been reversed, citing different lifestyles and an appreciation for my nostrils.
Brautigam has been a vegan for two and a half years and currently eats an entirely raw food diet. She documents her lifestyle on her wildly successful YouTube channel, Raw Alignment. The vegan thing is infuriating considering my family would chastise the hell out of her if I brought her home for dinner. My dad would honestly rather me bring home a guy than someone who’s too good for meat. But, I can get over that.
THE REAL ISSUE HERE is that Alyse hasn’t worn deodorant for 365 days because she believes that the things she eats leaves her with minimal body odor, even after admitting she ‘sweats like a pig’ when she goes to the gym. She claims that the raw diet, featuring just fruits and vegetables, leaves her considerably ‘less stinky.’
Alyse told Daily Mail,
‘My hormones have balanced even more and my body odor has changed quite a bit.
‘Your body actually starts to smell differently based on the food you are putting into your body,’ she claims, showing off an unshaved armpit.
She insists that even when she does get sweaty – which happens often living in a hot climate – she puts off a natural ‘pheromone’ smell, rather than ‘a BO smell’.
Alyse has sworn off deodorant citing research that it has been linked to breast cancer. Swearing it off has been linked to losing all your friends.
So what do you think bros? Is the anti-deodorant stance slash arm pit patch a deal breaker? Keep in mind that Alyse doesn’t shave ANYWHERE.