In my quest for intriguing content for you fine folks today I came across this headline (Well, not literally) from the Daily Mail.
Don’t worry chaps! Scientists says WOMEN are just as obsessed with breasts as men are
First off, this headline is already jacked since it should have “say” and not “says.” Secondly, that’s a ridiculous claim.
The article cites a website called YourTango, which describes itself as “the leading online magazine dedicated to love and relationships.” Already, this is suspect as fuck.
YourTango (That’s such a shitty name, what does it even mean? Why is it one word? What does it have to do with relationships?) utilized a study by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The study states that men AND women focus on sexual parts of the human body equally. So men and women objectify others equally.
“It could be related to different motives — men might be doing it because they’re interested in potential mates, while women may do it as more of a comparison with themselves,” said the study’s lead author, Sarah Gervais. “We can’t just pin this on the men. Women are perceiving women this way, too. But what we do know is that they’re both doing it.”
That’s cool I guess. Except the Daily Mail said women are obsessed with breasts just as much as men.
Men are OBSESSED with breasts.
Here’s titbit from the Huffington Post:
Men are the only male mammals fascinated by breasts in a sexual context. Women are the only female mammals whose breasts become enlarged at puberty, independent of pregnancy. We are also the only species in which males caress, massage and even orally stimulate the female breasts during foreplay and sex.
The rest of nature is like, “Stupid breasts.” Then human males go, “We want to fondle boobies until the woman’s nipples fall off or until I die of natural causes.”
A girl sends you a pic of her breasts and you will do a happy dance. Whether they are big ole floppy totties, itsy-bitsy A-cups or pancake titties. We will gladly accept any tit pics. You send a fantastic dick pic and girls will stop talking to you.
I would go out on a limb to say that 98.3% of slow-motion boob GIFs on the internet were created by men.
Where is your “obsession” ladies?
You’re the same kind of monsters that get sinful breast reductions.
Women aren’t obsessed, they’re just jealous of girls who have a better rack than them who can steal their man.
Fucking posers.
Ladies, let me know when your boob obsession forces you to crash your bicycle or cause 500 accidents in one day. Until that day leave boob oogling to the professionals.