Cindy Pachal-O’hara of Alberta, Canada is currently enduring the wrath of the internet after she posted a photo to Facebook.
Why? Well look at the fucking thing.
That is a baby holding a BB gun. Pachal-O’hara shared the picture, saying she wanted her children to learn about gun safety at a young age.
Which, good! Gun safety should be taught as early as humanly possible. However. Jaxson is two-and-a-half. From The Toronto Sun:
She felt safe posing him for the photo, she said, because the old BB gun is actually broken and doesn’t shoot.
Okay … sort of. Kind of. I get it. No. No. I don’t.
She said she posted the photo to Facebook to see what other parents thought.
“I wanted other mom’s opinions,” she said.
She got them. Oh, she got them.
“Sorry people, but guns in the hands of children are not safe no matter the argument. Children as young as the one in this photo simply aren’t equipped mentally to understand the dangers and consequences,” commented a user named Dan Brown.
Others echoed that sentiment, and at least on user called the Royal Canadian Mountain Police on her.
Her reasoning gets even more specious when you hear the logic why.
Pachal-O’hara said it started when Jaxson wanted to play with some of the older boys who were shooting gophers and targets at a local acreage. That’s when she gave him the gun to hold.
“We were showing him how to hold it and how to use it.”
If your two-year-old kid watched some kids shoot some gophers, and was like, I wanna do that, maybe take him to a shrink and not hand him a gun. Or at least tell him that wantonly murdering animals is for when he is a little older. And then also not hand him a gun
That’s just my thought.
[H/T Mister Butter Chicken]