“I’m not in the mood.”
We’ve all heard that phrase more times than we’d like and we’ve probably even muttered it after eating Indian food and being forced to watch Lena Dunham get naked on another episode of Girls.
Nonetheless, in any relationship, it’s important to pick up on small indicators that will enhance your chances at sexual success. But did you know that biologically there is an ideal time for you and your lover to do the no pants dance?
That time, says experts, is 3 pm.
According to Daily Mail,
That’s apparently when men and women are most in tune with each other’s desires.
In the afternoon, women have high levels of the hormone cortisol, which helps alertness, and are at their most energetic.
Around the same time, men have elevated levels of oestrogen, making them ‘more emotionally present’ during sex.
Hormone expert Alisa Vitti, described 3pm as the ‘afternoon delight’, saying it was the perfect compromise for both sexes’ satisfaction, with men giving women the ‘emotional support’ they crave while still getting plenty of enjoyment.
I know what you’re thinking, bros. There is no stronger force than morning wood.
Miss Vitti, author of the hormone guide WomanCode, said that while men sleep, they produce testosterone, a key hormone in sexual arousal and performance. Levels peak in the early to mid-morning, meaning this is the perfect time for a man to have sex.
‘Men are more interested in initiating sex during this window and are more capable of a better sexual response,’ she added.
However, the late afternoon is another good time for men to have sex because, while their testosterone levels go down, their oestrogen levels rise.
‘While this may not seem like a logical set-up for satisfaction, given the previous endorsement of testosterone, the combination actually makes men more emotionally present during sex and better able to focus on (a woman’s) needs and satisfaction,’ said Miss Vitti.
‘You can see why “afternoon delight” is a thing.’
There it is, bros. 3pm. If she won’t fuck you then, then there’s always the internet.
[h/t Daily Mail]
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