Nothing CHAPS MY ASS more than a girl who pretends to like sports just to give you the impression that she’s a ‘cool chick.’ It’s disingenuous and I don’t like being lied to. Oh you’re a die hard fan sweetheart? Have you ever had to call your dad to help get you out of an astronomical gambling debt? Would you die for a team that wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire? Have you ever spent rent money on a wall-sized Gronkowski Fat Head? If you answered zero/no/no, then please leave the degeneracy to us males.
With that said, nothing is sexier than a girl who walks the walk. Instead of her Tinder profile claiming she’s a ‘Birds fan 4 lyfe,” I’d much prefer her to go outside and rifle a tight spiral 40 yards into a plastic bin. This chick in the above video, which I’ve watched seven times, not only knows how to execute a flawless five-step drop, but wears those stylish stretch pants that I hope never go out of style.
The Facebook comments on this gem have brought out the very best in people.
I’m a Patriots fan and I gotta tip my cap to this dude.
Four Super Bowls.
I’d really like to see the girl above and this girl duel it out in a head-to-head skills combine. Has to happen.
[h/t NFL Memes]