Hey, its Thursday! How about #TBT to one of the Internet’s best fight videos? This happened two years ago in Wrigleyville a.k.a. the CHAD capital of Chicago and it’s still one of my all-time favorite fight videos. Some douchebag thought it’d be fun to unmask Clark the Chicago Cubs mascot while he was chillin’ at the bar.
Via the YouTube uploader:
This guy was out with a bachelor party. He tried to trip the mascot three times and then threw himself into the mascot in an attempt to start a fight. The mascot ignored all of this until he got his head pulled off. After the guy was punched in the face and his friend was thrown to the ground, the guy knocked the mascots tip jar out of his hands. I just happened to be there with my camera.
The world needs more mascot fights. It brings too much joy to an otherwise depressing existence.