Dads are like a different species of man. I admit it, dads are just better than guys like me. There’s something about holding a newborn human being that was created with one’s own semen that flips a switch in a man. Things that were impossible before are suddenly incredibly possible. Like building a deck with your bare hands or catching a homerun ball singlehandedly while holding a baby in your other arm.
Even if we ignore the one-handed catch aspect or the fact that he was holding an infant in his other arm, the guy caught a home run ball barehanded. This wasn’t some nothing pop-up foul that a 10 year-old could have casually roped with a basket catch. That hit had some power behind it. But who cares? Not this guy. Dad life, baby. It’s a whole new world, and he’s the king of it.
After the catch, Arizona’s Root Sports took a stroll over to the new Dad of the Year’s seat to ask him a few questions about this life-defining moment.