Serious question: why does she have a bag on her head? Last I checked wearing plastic bags on your head was for old ladies who didn’t want to get their hair jacked up by humidity. This chick is what, 18? 20? Take the bag off your head you look like a fuckstick.
That’s not to say she doesn’t look like a fuckstick for thinking she’s a vampire – she does. But it’s 100% excusable considering she just had her teeth ripped out of her skull. Any other time of the year though? Nah, not okay.
In other words, as long as you are high on wisdom teeth meds you are more than welcome to do whatever you want without repercussions. Rob a bank, crack all the eggs at the supermarket, hide the television remote, whatever – the world is your oyster when you’re almost completely incompetent with a good excuse.