Before a boy has learned to masturbate, but after he’s begun puberty, his testicles start to produce an adult amount of sperm. With no daily release of fluid (okay, who are we kidding, for teenage boys ten times daily), the sperm and semen sometimes come out on their own in the middle of the night, in a process known as a nocturnal emission.
How do you feel after learning that?
Like shooting up a school?
No? Good, then you are better than a deranged dad out of Iowa who threatened to “retaliate” against an entire school district because they taught his son about nocturnal emissions and masturbation in a fourth-grade sex ed class.
Bruce Divers Jr. (who goes by the name Deano) was arrested and faces multiple harassment charges after he sent a threat credible enough to close down schools throughout the district yesterday.
From KWWL:
[Divers] … email he sent a teacher … says in part, “Decorah schools spiritually declared war against my house today. When I retaliate Monday morning…”
According to The Washington Post, who were read the note, Divers mentioned that a third-grade teacher who taught his daughter would “not be caught in the crosshairs.”
Divers said to KWWL he did not mean to threaten the school or any teachers with his email, which, yea. Sure.
Probably not related, because he sounds like a great dad, had Divers paid attention at Parent-Teacher Night, he could have chosen to opt his son out of the class. From the school superintendent:
“We have paper work available at the beginning of the school year for anyone who wishes to have their children exempted from any conversations that have to do with that type of subject matter.”
But, you know, having a calm and rational response to a normal human behavior that happens to every person is not the American way.
Can’t wait to see what happens his daughter enters the fourth grade next year.
Schools in the district were open today.
[Via The Washington Post]