Ribs and pussy, man. Was Obama quoting someone else from a book in this clip? If you choose to believe that, by all means. What I choose to believe is that a young, spry 33-year-old Obama went off script, went rogue, and accidentally let us in on his plans for the evening. What I choose to believe is that Old Testament Obama (pre-First Lady/becoming the leader of the Free World) was a rabid dog off his leash. I choose to believe that a young Obama had a mirror on his ceiling and maybe shot out a few errant dick pics just to keep ’em honest. I have zero evidence for this claim, besides that fact that the phrase ‘ribs and pussy’ flowed off his tongue so seamlessly, it’s almost like he’s said them before. Like he’s begged for them before. Can’t blame him, even the most Presidential of men can be brought to his knees by the power of R&P. Play on playa. Play on.
[h/t Daily Dot]