Everyone poops. But it takes a brave soul to risk public humiliation by telling embarrassing stories about their bowel movements. That’s why we have to give props to Twitter’s @_blotty, who went viral today by disclosing a nightmare first date story.
TL;DR: She went out with a dude on a first night, they vibed and she went back to his place. She had to go #2 💩, used his bathroom, and the Dumb and Dumber broken toilet scene happened. Except rather than destroying it or risking embarrassment with him, she fished it out and stuffed it in a well-wrapped package in her purse.
So. Much. EWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwww.
But first, how about a visualization? Here is said girl in question, via her own selfies:
And now, the most amazing/terrifying/traumatic/embarrassing first date story you’ve ever read. She gets mad kudos for sharing it for our collective entertainment. Shout out to Buzzfeed for the screencaps:
💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩.
There is only one reaction… She is a hero: