It’s really not every day that we see Queen Taylor Swift sharing sexy bikini pics, in fact it’s not even every year that we get to see Taylor Swift showing off some skin. Well today must be my birthday because I was scrolling through Instagram just a hot minute ago and came across Taylor Swift posing in the water, rocking a bikini and a tight bod.
She’s also sharing a few pics of her and DJ/boyfriend Calvin Harris, who managed to convince Tay to stay with him after paparazzi snapped photos of him allegedly leaving a rub-and-tub massage parlor (that’s all in the past now). Enough rambling, here’s Taylor Swift looking fine as hell on vacation:
And you can’t really see much in this video, but here’s Taylor jumping around on a water trampoline wearing that same sexy bikini we see above:
Again, it’s only once in a blue moon that we get to see sexy bikini pics of Taylor Swift so I want you bros to cherish these. In fact, I want you to share these Taylor Swift bikini pics with your bros, spread the wealth around, this is a joyous occasion and one that deserves to be shared by all.