In yet another interesting installment of “Kayne West saying random shit on Twitter,” the rapper has let it be known to L.A. Clippers owner Steve Ballmer that he badly wants to redesign the team’s mascot.
Now, to be fair to Kanye, if you take one look at Chuck, the Clips’ current mascot, you’ll completely agree that this thing needs a massive overhaul.
The complete and utter nightmare fuel known as “Chuck” is barely a month old but he’s already haunting dreams on a nightly basis. So, as oddly as it feels to be on the same page with Mr. West, I wholeheartedly approve of Kanye’s newfound desire.
Let’s rip up the script and start over.
Sure, it took Ballmer three hours to respond, but he’s a busy dude. And now, lunch is ON.
By the way, this is the official description of Chuck:
“The L.A. Clippers introduced their new mascot Chuck, a California Condor who personifies the passion and ‘be relentless’ drive of team owner Steve Ballmer. In addition to owning the NBA’s largest wingspan and flying up to speeds of 55mph (source: Chuck), Chuck knows how to electrify Clipper Nation.”
Dear god. Let’s make lunch happen tomorrow, boys. The sooner the better. And please film the entire thing.
That’s right, big Stevie, let’s go!
Oh, I almost forgot. Kanye also made a pretty big discovery: He cares!
Congrats, man.
[H/T @SteveBallmer]