The Ryan brothers are probably the NFL’s most amazing duo, and that includes the players too. Brady-Gronk? Rodgers-Jordy? Big Ben-Antonio? Nope. It’s Rex and Rob Ryan.
For as annoying and nauseating as Rex can be at times with all the incessant bluster, when he’s with his brother all of that somehow dissipates and it’s just two big, happy fat guys hangin’ out.
I can’t decide what I love the most here. It’s not the throwback jerseys, as great they are. I’m pretty sure it’s the matching vanilla frappuccinos from Starbucks.
I imagine the profound conversation while waiting in line went something like this:
Rex: “What are you gettin’?”
Rob: “Uh. I don’t know. Probably whatever you get.”
/End scene
Now let’s go scout some fuckin’ football players.
Meanwhile, Riverboat Ron is busy videobombing Mike Florio.
It’s nice to see that everyone in Indy is feelin’ Friday.
[H/T Deadspin]