If older generations are to be believed, millennials and their damn apps are slowly killing our attention spans, work ethic, and society as we know it, because they need someone to blame for the slow collapse of capitalism besides themselves.
However, it’s hard to deny that most young people rely on apps for virtually everything. The company comScore compiled a list of apps that millennials can’t live without, and while most of them won’t surprise you, some of the ones that didn’t make the cut might.:
- Amazon, 35%
- Gmail, 30%
- Facebook, 29%
- Facebook Messenger, 18%
- YouTube, 16%
- Google Maps: 14%
- Google Search: 11%
- Apple App Store: 11%
- WhatsApp: 11%
- Instagram: 11%
Some notable omissions include Snapchat, Twitter, Venmo, and— of course— Tinder.
The App Store making an appearance seems like kind of a cop out, but I guess the rest of the list wouldn’t exist without it. I also didn’t even know there was a Google Search app until reading this— I just assumed everyone used their internet browser, but I’m apparently about as out of the loop as the old people I made fun of at the start of this post.