Born and raised in Boston, I haven’t been blessed with many exhilarating press conferences. Belichick and Brady press conferences pack about as much excitement as a trip to the DMV. Don’t get me wrong, I prefer my athletes like my Uber drivers, silent but productive, but goddamn I’d love Belichick to drop a subtle “cock, balls” when talking about preparing for his next opponent. I won’t hold my breath.
So thank heavens for Kyle Shanahan. The brand new 49ers head coach added a little spice to your typical snoozer of a press conference by saying the word ‘dick.’ I’m 30 years old, working on improving my credit, and starting to iron my work clothes, but I will never be mature enough not to smirk when I hear the word dick. The 37-year-old Shanahan just solidified himself on the Mount Rushmore of ‘NFL Guys I’d Watch To Get Legless Drunk With’ next to Rex and Rob Ryan and Jon Gruden. Cherish that win, Kyle, I don’t think you’ll be getting too many of those this season.
Now if you guys will excuse me, I gotta head out to prepare for Cincinnati…