I truly have no desire to live in a tiny home at any point in my life. I’m totally down to crash in them while staying in Airbnb’s across Europe, but for day to day living, I need a house with AT LEAST 3,000 square feet, a gym, wine cellar, cryo-chamber, solarium…You know, the basic essentials of life.
Up until seeing this clip from The Verge, I never understood the hype around Tiny Houses. Now, I kind of get it.
Kasita is a company building tiny, modular houses. But, instead of the typical home-builder approach where technology is an after thought, that’s just shoved into a house these homes from Kasita are technology first. They are embedded with smart devices throughout, and the Kasita tiny modular homes learn your lifestyle and habits over time in the same way your iPhone or Nest Thermostat does.