Credit: Paul Kane/Getty Images
There have been many exciting and tremendous moments in the long and illustrious career of wrestling legend Hulk Hogan. But what is the Hulkster’s favorite memory from his professional wrestling career? That’s what fans wanted to know and asked 12-time world champion during a recent Q&A session on Hogan’s YouTube channel. Hulk responded with one of his most iconic moments, but added a beautiful backstory that makes the memory even more poetic. Here’s the full quote from 411Mania:
“When I won the WWF Heavyweight title in Madison Square Garden, January 23, 1984 from the Iron Sheik. But there’s a backstory to it, we go back many years when I was going to the University of South Florida, majoring in finance and management with a minor in music. After a bunch of years of going to college and quitting to play music several times, I finally quit for good to be a professional wrestler. It just killed both my parents, it ruined their hopes and dreams for me. So there was a very strained relationship for quite a long time with me and my Mom and Dad. Then, at Madison Square Garden where I beat the Iron Sheik, I had both my parents in the audience, sitting next to Vince McMahon’s wife, Linda McMahon. When I came back with the belt – Andre was pouring champagne on my head – my Dad and Mom came to the dressing room. They both said how proud they were of me and they were very happy that I made that decision to be a wrestler.”
During the video, Hogan also revealed that he was offered a full-time role on the 1980s TV show “The A-Team,” but declined the offer because he didn’t want to play referee between stars George Peppard and Mr. T. Hogan said that if he had not made it as a wrestler, he would likely play music in hotel lounges for weddings. Imagine Hulk Hogan as the wedding singer? We also learned that Hogan’s favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate. This was the first episode of Q&A with HH, so let’s hope the Hulkster continues the video question and answer sessions.