When it comes to dating, as I always say, knowledge is power. The more you know going in, the better chances you have of finding the right person for you. That and the fact that trying to figure out what women are thinking is literally like trying to pin the tail on the donkey. So, with that in mind, today I bring you more knowledge.
Back in August I shared with you bros some useful information about the manly things that men do that women find to be 100% complete turn-offs. We’ll be covering a little bit of that here today, but mostly we will find out which behaviors that are perceived to be non-masculine for men women tend to gravitate towards the most, thanks to a new study by DrEd.
Here’s how they did it: DrEd asked more than 1,000 European and American men to discuss their masculine habits – and then asked their female respondents to weigh in on what’s sexy, what’s just fine, and what’s not.
Here are a few key takeaways…
— Women said they are 50% more likely to trust men who cry; 70% of women are attracted to men who bake.
— Hobbies like baking, dancing and painting have the most sex appeal for men.
— Women actually prefer their men to sit down while taking a wiz. Seriously.
Check out some more highlights of this fascinating study below…
The majority of women – over 50% – said they liked a mix of manly and metro. About 38% liked manly men who didn’t care about fashion. Just under 8% said none of these categories described their ideal man. And about 4% of women preferred a metro man with refined tastes.
As masculinity shifts generation by generation, how many men tell their close male friends they love them? Around 64% of European men and 48% of American men said they never show this level of affection to their male buddies. And approximately 18% of European men and 32% of Americans said they do say “I love you,” but very rarely.
When we asked men, the most common response was “uncomfortable.” For European men, the second most common feeling was sadness. American men, on the other hand, were likely (about 39%) to feel trusted or honoured that their friend felt comfortable enough to be emotional.
And women? As you might expect, both European and American women were very likely (around 52% and 55%, respectively) to feel trusted or honoured when a guy pal got teary-eyed. Slightly less than 20% said they felt sad. And less than 10% of women on either continent said male tears made them feel uncomfortable.
Just over 50% of American men said they sometimes sat down to pee, and a whopping 67% of European men did the same. In fact,more and more men are choosing to sit rather than stand. Even American sex symbol Ryan Gosling is a sitter.
So how do the ladies feel about a man who sits to pee? According to our survey, most didn’t care. About 55% of European women and 65% of American women said they didn’t find it less masculine to pee sitting down. And 36% of European women (and almost 8% of American women) actually preferred it if their man took a seat.
Some activities have a reputation for attracting more women than men. But when we asked our survey respondents if they’d ever danced, baked, or painted, plenty of them had. Americans were more likely than Europeans to bake, paint, dance, babysit, and go to yoga, while European men edged Americans out slightly in the categories of knitting, quilting, and Zumba®.
And when we asked women which of these activities turned them on? The art of baking, dancing, and painting led the way, with 70% of American women (and nearly the same amount of European women) finding baking incredibly sexy. Almost 60% of American women (and 50% of European women) said dancing had sex appeal, and about 55% of American women (and 50% of European women) pointed out painting was a turn-on.
So, the majority of women say the men they’re most attracted to are not the traditional manly men and and American men seem to be making a move toward more expressiveness with their male friends and relatives.
Considering that a woman’s happiness in a relationship is directly correlated to a man’s empathy this is definitely some news we can use.
Check out the rest of the study over at DrEd.com.