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Lavar Ball is the human equivalent of the Song of the Summer— you might hate him or you might love him, but regardless of how you feel, it’s virtually impossible to ignore him— no matter how hard you try. He’s done an amazing job keeping his name (and, to a lesser extent, the name of his sons) in the news over the past few months thanks to a seemingly endless stream of cocky boasts and outlandish claims designed to make headlines.
Even the most dedicated LaVar hater has to admit he knows what he’s doing when it comes to manipulating the media. Until now, he had to rely on other platforms to get his message out to the world, but he’s taken things to a new level with the premiere of “Ball in the Family,” a new reality TV show featuring him and his family.
The first episode follows the Ball family as they gear up for the NBA Draft, and after watching the entire thing, I can safely say it’s filled with as much braggadocio as we’ve all come to expect from LaVar and the rest of the clan. Virtually everyone to appear in the episode is clad in Big Baller Brand apparel, and it’s clear that LaVar views this as a golden opportunity for self-promotion.
With that said, it also shows a refreshingly human side of LaVar and the rest of the family. The episode also focuses on Tina Ball’s return from the hospital after recovering from a stroke she suffered late in May, and there are a few incredibly genuine moments where LaVar lets his guard down that show just how much he truly cares about his family.
LaVar has previously said that he doesn’t want people to compare the Balls to the Kardashians, but he’s making it harder and harder to not draw parallels between the two families. If you’re interested in watching more, the first two episodes are now available for viewing on Facebook. Subsequent episodes will air on the platform on Sundays beginning September 10th.