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Being a diehard fan of any sports team can be very expensive, especially if you are a big supporter of an NFL team. There is nothing about attending an NFL game that could even remotely be confused with being “cheap.” From tickets to food and drinks to souvenirs, hell, even parking (ESPECIALLY IN L.A.), everything about going to an NFL game is expensive.
However, the difference between going to one NFL team’s games versus another can vary greatly. Proof of this fact is a study just completed by HomeToGo who researched five factors for each of the 32 teams including the price of tickets, game day snacks, travel and accommodations.
Here are some of their key findings…
— Fans of the New England Patriots will spend more on tickets than any other fanbase, costing $1,786.76 for the whole season.
— Fans of the Arizona Cardinals will spend more on transportation than any other fanbase in the NFL, at $4,007 for the whole season.
— Accommodation is most expensive for the Oakland Raiders fans, with one night’s stay at each of their away games costing a total of $1,261.42.
— Beer is also most expensive for Oakland Raiders fans, who will need to spend $142.75 if they want to buy one small draft at each home and away game.
— Hot dogs are most expensive for Buffalo Bills fans, costing $99.50 for one at each home and away game.
— Fans of the Jacksonville Jaguars will spend less on tickets than any other fanbase, costing $1,218.29 for the whole season.
— Fans of the Chicago Bears will spend less on transportation than any other fanbase in the NFL, at $1,373.44 for the whole season.
— Accommodation is cheapest for fans of the Cleveland Browns, with one night’s stay at each of their away games costing a total of $752.84 for the season.
— Beer is cheapest for Houston Texans fans; buying a small draft at every home and away game would cost $96.00.
— Hot dogs are most affordable for Seattle Seahawks fans, costing $64.25 for one at each home and away game.
Check out the rest of the study and the methodology used to create it over at HomeToGo.com.