You know the drill, spoilers ahead. This season of “Game of Thrones” was faster than a raven flying 1,900 miles from Eastwatch to Dragonstone. The Season 7 finale titled “The Dragon and the Wolf” saw old friends and foes reunite, Littlefinger’s demise, a truce, treason, boatsex, Jon Snow’s real name finally revealed, and a motherfucking ice dragon in action.
The huge meeting in the dragonpits featured some of the biggest living characters remaining in “Game of Thrones.” Many of them would love to slice the throat of someone else. Sounds like good times.
All of the sudden Theon has balls. But not literally.
Littlefinger attempted to slither his way out of another power struggle that he ignited, but then Bran put the kibosh on Petyr Baelish’s antics with some Greenseer proof.
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Jaime had enough of Cersei’s shit and peaced out on his baby mama sister.
Bran and Samwell Tarley join nerd forces to try to save the world. Bran informs Sammy boy that his bestie Jon is actually Aegon Targaryen. Bran tells the love story of Jon’s parents as Jon knocks boots with his aunt. Maybe take down the creepiness level down a notch, Bran.
Jon Snow bent more than the knee to Daenerys.
Incest is best, put your aunt to the test.
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It did not take long for the Night King to learn how to fly a dragon and put it to good use.
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In memoriam.
With the Wall down, the Army of the Dead is headed south with 100,000+ zombie soldiers, a giant, and an ice-breathing dragon. Westeros is fucked.
All in all, it was a pretty great season.