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People Shared Stories Of All The Incorrect Info Their Sex Ed Teachers Taught And LOLOLOLOL


It’s been so long that I barely remember Sex Ed class. The only thing I really remember from the class was Matt F. fainting during the big video that taught us all how sex works. Poor dude. It’s been half a lifetime and his friends still haven’t let him forget about the time he fainted in Sex Ed class, and here I am reminding the world once again…I say all this because I don’t remember if my teacher taught us anything fake or not, but the people below do. These folks all shared their stories of teachers giving them incorrect info in sex ed class. The potential repercussions here when a teacher gives pupils false Sex Ed info are ruining the sexcapades of an entire generation which is a dangerous amount of power for one teacher to have, don’t you think? (via AskReddit):

This seems accurate, no?

Average penis size is 8 inches, you can imagine how that would affect self-esteem.

Any time a boy has his hands in his pockets, he’s hiding his erection.
Every boy in school made sure to always have their hands on show from that day onwards!

If you’re worried about being pressured into sex, just “keep things vertical” because it’s not possible to have sex without lying down.

She said girls can’t cum…when a boy asked her to clarify he said “you just mean they can’t ejaculate right?” And she responded “yes also that but female orgasm is a myth”

HIV is smaller than the holes in a Condom

That women can’t have orgasms unless they’re being penetrated. I pity that guy’s wife.

10th grade. A biology teacher was answering questions and was really confident in the answers she gave. Plamen asked her “what’s the fastest way a girl can reach orgasm” to which she replayed “everyone is different but it takes atleast an hour for a female to reach orgasm”. I remember 3 of my class mates having that “bitch … are you high ” face.

I was told that condoms increase your risk of pregnancy. Also fellatio can get you pregnant because the “sperm knows where to go”.

When we were eight we were given an impromptu lesson on it and I asked where do girls wee from. My teacher told me they wee from the same place as boys so I believed girls wee from their penis.

Straight sex: 99% chance of pregnancy.
Gay male sex: 100% chance of STDs and also hell.
Lesbian sex: Doesn’t exist.

The worst sex ed advice I ever got was from my mother. According to her there are two likely scenarios of me dating in high school:
1: Girl will falsely accuse me of rape/sexual harassment and ruin my life
2: Girl will cheat on me and trick me into raising someone else’s baby and ruin my life

That you can’t pee with an erection. I thought that she meant boys were literally physically unable to do that, not that it was just difficult. So the first time I did it, I thought something was horribly wrong with me.

Imo the first time i took a sex ed class was ok but the teacher was very …traditional for lack of a better word. He told us about what it was. Condoms. Stds. Abstinence as an option. Pregnancy and the class for the most part felt pretty informative and not judgmental. And then some kid raised his hand and asked about anal sex and the teacher said “oh you mean gay sex? ” and he said “no i mean anal sex ” and then the teacher said “that’s how gays have sex it’s gay sex.” and then he talked about lubes and how you can also lube for vaginal normal sex. And then someone else asked what if a man and woman have anal sex and he said ” then the man is secretly gay.” and he was dead centered on that way of thinking. “Women don’t want to have anal sex only a gay man would pressure a woman into gay sex so he can find her attractive. That’s how you hear about gay men having kids before being found out as gay. They start with gay sex and finish normally so they can have kids and appear normal.”
There was a collective cringe from most of us but i wonder if anyone in that class or in another now thinks like that.

That women don’t ever die during childbirth, and that was just a myth.

That the head of the penis was called the Glanis. She was super excited and told us it was a little known fact since she saw it on one text book and never saw it where else. I think that textbook had a typo

My sex ed teacher passed around a cup of water and had everyone spit in it. When she got it back, she compared it to having sex with multiple partners.

The reason Mom’s and Dad’s can have sex without a condom is that you can’t get aids or STD’s if you’re in love.
I shit you not the teacher said this.

Stop watching Japanese cartoons, Teach.

The blood in the penis during an erection must come out somehow, so when you lost the erection, your penis would bleed… Strange teacher.

This teacher sounds like a troll.

He said that women grow a penis when horny. Like a boner.

It’s just science.

8th Grade, the teacher said that a girl cant get pregnant while on top because gravity wouldn’t let the sperm go up

Well, bros, that wraps up the coverage from my end but if you want to keep on reading these AskReddit stories you can CLICK HERE to see that thread in full! You can also drop your story in the comments down below.

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